Blogger's Note: Throwback blogs are blogs from my past. I start posting past blogs reflecting what I wrote. It's like my "A Second Look" blogs for which I give myself feedback.
Today's throwback blog is titled Top Ten Wisdom Acquired In 2006 I Failed To Follow written on Nov 16, 2019. Today is a good day to review the 2006 wisdom. I continue to follow the ten wisdoms.
2006 was a good year. 2007 was one of my two worst years. The 2007 highlights working at Cisco and buying my first car overshadowed the many lowlights. What if I followed through my 2006 wisdom acquired in 2007? There could have been fewer lowlights.
I reacquired, relearned, and rediscovered my 2006 wisdom years later. They started on the day I realized I must grow up on Sat Oct 4, 2008. I never forget these top ten wisdom. I practice them daily. Today's top ten is another reminder how I live a good life.
I blogged one dream titled Philosophy 98: Innovating Life on Mar 12, 2006. I dreamed I taught a philosophy class at a junior college. Students were required to read Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki and How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Rich Dad Poor Dad teaches how the rich people become rich. How to Win Friends and Influence People teaches human relations skills. I dreamed Philosophy 98: Innovating Life for the second time replacing How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie with Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Outliers argues timing and luck are the reasons why some people succeed. I approved my second dream using Rich Dad Poor Dad and Outliers as the required reading.
Here are the top ten wisdom acquired in 2006 I failed to follow. I followed them years later.
10. Life Sucks? Why Live? on Mar 16, 2006 and I Wonder on Aug 24, 2006. Timing is everything. I remind myself the two blogs. I'm alone, unemployed, and without money. I continue fighting the struggles. Doing nothing solves no problems. I might as well keep going. The I Wonder blog said maybe the next big break comes tomorrow, next week, or next month. I keep going hoping for the next big break.
9. Whoever Though Of The Word “Rush” Lived A Short Life on Jun 11, 2006. Don't rush success. Take it slow. Increment.
8. Do You Want To Be My Friend? on Apr 15, 2006. The last paragraph is the wisdom acquired. There are some people I don't get along with. There are some people I don't have a connection. I don't waste my time with these people. I stay away from these people.
7. Nothing Lasts Forever Which Includes Curses and Bad Luck on Jan 2, 2006. Nothing lasts forever. Curses are meant to be broken. Hope for the best. On the other hand, some people live life with many bad breaks and bad timing. It's life. Some people have lots of good luck. Some people have lots of bad luck.
6. Find The Misinformation and Misunderstandings First on Sep 27, 2006. Don't stress out on the person with the misinformation. Don't get angry over a misunderstanding. Misinformation happens. Misunderstandings happen. Seek first to understand. Correct the source. I'm angry when people don't correct the problem.
5. Second Blog Entry: Going With The Flow On A Bad Work Day on Jan 7, 2006. Go with the flow. I rediscovered the wisdom during Winter Quarter 2010 at De Anza College.
4. Full Circle on Mar 6, 2006. Life goes full circle. Whatever you do today affects you tomorrow. Life finds a way to reward you tomorrow when doing something good today. Life finds a way to punish you tomorrow when doing something bad today. For example, I failed to refresh my job skills during my down time at one of my contract jobs. I watched YouTube videos. Life punishes me today being unemployed taking additional self-training time refreshing my skills instead of learning new skills. Job searching is a full-time job. I learn new skills such as Python and Power BI. I refresh my existing skills such as Excel and SQL.
3. Keep Fun In Check on Feb 26, 2006. Something bad happens when I have too much fun. I lose my sense of awareness. I lose my clear thinking. Control everything as much as possible work, rest, and play.
2. Breakfast Is The Most Important Meal Of The Day on May 17, 2006. What if I ate a proper breakfast in 2007 and before Sat Oct 4, 2008 daily? The obvious answers are more focused, learned more, less chances getting sick, more gym workouts, and never unemployed.
1. Time Will Tell on Jan 28, 2006. The late Steve Jobs said it best, "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something--your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."
In my words, time is the ultimate judge.
10. Keep fighting the struggles. There's nothing else to do.
9. Take your time. Increment.
8. Spend time with good people. Avoid bad people.
7. Nothing lasts forever.
6. Focus on correcting misinformation and misunderstandings themselves.
5. Go with the flow.
4. Life goes full circle. What you do today affects you tomorrow.
3. Keep fun in check. Stay focus even while having fun.
2. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
1. Trust what you do today is good tomorrow. Time is the ultimate judge.