Blogger’s Note: Throwback blogs are blogs from my past. I start posting past blogs reflecting what I wrote. It's like my "A Second Look" blogs for which I give myself feedback.
Today's throwback blog is titled The Blues written on Nov 10, 2005. I reflect 15 years later what I blogged. The what ifs. The economic prediction. The mistakes. I was feeling blue. Regardless, 2005 was one of the best years of my life. I take everything one at a time.
I mentioned I have been in the blues. I reflect I was feeling blue for the wrong reasons. Work was unusually busy. I failed to make adjustments outside work to recover. If I took better care of myself outside work, then the chances of feeling blue decreased.
I mentioned . . . there is concern for the year 2006. The economy remains uncertain. There is going to be a new Federal Reserve chairman because Alan Greespan retires on January 2006. Is inflation going to remain in check? The economy strengthen. There was no inflation. On the other hand, there were a few outsiders who started researching the mortgage bond markets earlier in 2005.
I mentioned I'm being slammed at work. Some of those [broker] requests are time consuming requests. It's not difficult, just takes a ton of time--something that should not happened which is another subject. Another reason I felt blue. Work which took too much time to complete should have been a red flag. I completed broker requests inefficiently. I completed broker requests unintelligently. I should have found time to learn advanced Excel, basic VBA, and advanced Access during my free time instead of goofing off.
I mentioned [the] fun, the excitement, and the joy of doing stuff outside work such as updating my webpage, going to the gym, reading books, and more don't exist currently. I blogged the possible reasons thereafter. All of the reasons were wrong. The correct reasons were lack of sleep, unhealthy meals, poor planning, and taking life for granted.
Finally, Novembers have been one of the best months in my entire life. November 2020 is an exception November month. There have been days I felt blue; fortunately, I adjust successfully to minimize the affects of being blue including good sleep, eat healthy meals, physical fitness, going with the flow, and doing everything one at a time. The Thanksgiving holiday was relaxing, taking a break, and doing different activities.
Since November 1 . . . no, since Daylight Standard Time began, I have been in the blues. Fortunately, I'm not near being depressed. I find some fun here and there, even if it's short. It's just me and my surroundings have been in the blues.
This week, there are some brokers who are using the Research Department in ways they never used before. In the beginning of 2005, many brokers were using Research in unordinary ways because they were worried about not fulfilling their 2005 targets. Moreover, January 2005 was kinda in the blues for me--heck, I remember the radio station DJ lacked enthusiasm. The brokers inside work and me outside work were concerned how the year 2005 was going to be.
As of today's blog entry, many of those brokers achieved at least their minimum targets. And currently, there is concern for the year 2006. The economy remains uncertain. There is going to be a new Federal Reserve chairman because Alan Greespan retires on January 2006. Is inflation going to remain in check?
Furthermore, I'm being slammed at work. Some of those requests are time consuming requests. It's not difficult, just takes a ton of time--something that should not happened which is another subject ;-) I took a late lunch today and yesterday and I'm sooo behind in my primary responsibilities!
The fun, the excitement, and the joy of doing stuff outside work such as updating my webpage, going to the gym, reading books, and more don't exist currently. Maybe it's an adjustment period to get used to the dark at 5:00 P.M.? Maybe it's because I'm tired? Maybe it's something else? All this week when I come home from work, I'm tired. I don't have the energy to do all my activities. Yesterday, I was reading a book and I became really sleepy. I didn't even brush my teeth. Just too tired to get out of bed which I hate to do. On the other hand, I was able to do my 100 sit-ups. I probably going to have one blog entry for the week :-<
And today, I was supposed to go to the gym. No gym today. I went home early from work because I could not concentrate. Today everything is haywired . . . no, the week is haywired . . . no, again, the last two weeks has been haywired.
Tomorrow is another day. Maybe something good happens tomorrow. The world didn't come to an end today :-))