My blog innovates and improves life’s common knowledge. The successful people find ways doing something better. They innovate their lives infinitely. Bruce Lee said it best, “Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement . . . for learning is boundless.” I encourage people to seek better ways. Life gets better every day. I share my highlights, my lighter side, my current events, a question, and an opinion.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Review My Five, No, Six Daily Life Rules
I review my five daily rules occasionally in my head. I forgot I have six rules. The last time I reviewed my rules in my blog was in May 2010. It’s time to review. Here we go:
1. Don't criticize, condemn, and complain, and don't compare with others.
2. Don't act like a jerk or bitch.
3. Always speak calmly and be calm.
4. Don't daydream when driving.
5. Keep your head up high . . . look at the cute face when talking.
6. Breath with your nose and stand up straight.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
1. Don't criticize, condemn, and complain, and don't compare with others.
2. Don't act like a jerk or bitch.
3. Always speak calmly and be calm.
4. Don't daydream when driving.
5. Keep your head up high . . . look at the cute face when talking.
6. Breath with your nose and stand up straight.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Happy Life
I imaged my adult life working as a design engineer or architect when I was in junior high. I drove a Ford Escort hatchback. I lived in an apartment along a major street. I spent $5 everyday at the arcade after work. My lunch and dinner were Swanson Hungary Man frozen meals. I had no friends. I was a loner. What a pathetic life?
Today, I have no interest in being an engineer. Ford Escort cars don’t exist. The apartment complex is still there (and I may be living there soon). Arcades are hard to find because of console and PC games. I know how to cook so no need to eat frozen food. I have friends I spend time with. I’m not a loner because I continue to make new friends.
I ask the question again: Is the life I pictured myself in junior high pathetic? Some say yes and some say no. There is no one correct way of living. The typical life getting married and having kids is not for everyone. There are many people happy with the way they live. Some people are happy living alone. I recognize that.
I continue to learn how I live a happy life. I’m finding out how to live my life happy. I observe and note other people’s way of living and what, why, and how they live a happy life. What do they do? How do they do it? Why? Who helps them? Loners, married people, partnerships, a household full of guys, and families are examples I want to know how they live a happy life. I keep my mind open when I interact with people. Once I find my happy life, I continue to observe and note. I always change, innovate, and improve my happy life.
Happy life is for everyone. Happy life must be earned and worked on. Happy life never comes to you and me on a sliver platter. Go out and get happy—a happy life.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Today, I have no interest in being an engineer. Ford Escort cars don’t exist. The apartment complex is still there (and I may be living there soon). Arcades are hard to find because of console and PC games. I know how to cook so no need to eat frozen food. I have friends I spend time with. I’m not a loner because I continue to make new friends.
I ask the question again: Is the life I pictured myself in junior high pathetic? Some say yes and some say no. There is no one correct way of living. The typical life getting married and having kids is not for everyone. There are many people happy with the way they live. Some people are happy living alone. I recognize that.
I continue to learn how I live a happy life. I’m finding out how to live my life happy. I observe and note other people’s way of living and what, why, and how they live a happy life. What do they do? How do they do it? Why? Who helps them? Loners, married people, partnerships, a household full of guys, and families are examples I want to know how they live a happy life. I keep my mind open when I interact with people. Once I find my happy life, I continue to observe and note. I always change, innovate, and improve my happy life.
Happy life is for everyone. Happy life must be earned and worked on. Happy life never comes to you and me on a sliver platter. Go out and get happy—a happy life.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
De Anza Week Dec 6, 2010
Mon Dec 6
Excel and Integrated Computer Acct classes were completed last week. I had one more class which was Intermediate Acct. One more final. I devoted all my studying time. No worries. I was wrong. I had trouble concentrating since Wed Dec 1. I studied one chapter from Thur Dec 2 to Sat Dec 4. I didn’t study on Sun Dec 5. My mind was exhausted studying and comprehending. The worst was completing missing homework assignments I failed to complete after the first mid-term. I choose to wait for Mon’s lecture and final review to narrow down what I need to study and what I need to avoid.
Mon’s lecture class everybody showed up. All the seats were full. The instructor passed out the practice final. He said, “The final is very similar.” Everyone was worried about the final. Everyone was wide awake during the review. This final was the first time I was scared. I was never scared of any finals before Intermediate Acct and throughout my years at San Jose State. The final is multiple choice and short answer.
My only break between now and the final on Wed Dec 8 was dance class. We reviewed all the dances we learned and danced our dance demonstration Rumba. The class was not full. And some students walked out about 30 minutes into our dances. Those people are not coming back next quarter.
Wed Dec 8
I reviewed everything I needed to know using the practice final as a guide and I studied additional concepts at least three times. I did everything I could. My mind was a sponge full of water ready to be squeezed afterwards. The final was passed out. Multiple choice only. No short answer. You got to be kidding. The final was actually very similar to the practice final. I never had a class where the instructor passed out the sample final that was very similar to the instructor’s practice final. Those classes the practice final and the actual final were different.
Most of the questions in the actual final were from the practice final. The professor changed the numbers and/or changed what was asked on some questions. The concepts were the same. There were some questions from the first mid-term which was expected. I know I passed the final. The question now is what is my final grade.
I promised a few students from the dance demonstration I attend the Wed’s class. I attended and quickly learned their dance routines and their dance demonstration Cha Cha Cha. It was great seeing some people from past dance classes taking the Wed’s class.
Fall ’10 quarter was a bad quarter that was the fastest ever—faster than Spring ‘10. The main reason was I had trouble concentrating. I ask myself why. Perhaps I had too much fun. Perhaps I took the quarter for granted such that I got excellent grades in past classes especially my fundamental acct classes my attitude I pass Intermediate Acct easily was false. Perhaps I attended school four days a week instead of two days. Perhaps it was all my classes failing to stimulate my mind; for instance, the Intermediate and Integrated instructors always arrived late and the Excel instructor was lazy. Perhaps it was the San Francisco Giants winning the World Series. It was all of the above.
The De Anza lessons I learned (outside class) saved me from complete unfocus:
*Fall ’09 lesson was everyone is human: Knowing people and making new friends helps lower the stress and the burden of homework, projects, and exams. We’re human. We want to be with people. We don’t want to be alone. And we make mistakes and we learn from them.
*Winter’10 lesson was go with the flow: I think back and Fall ’10 really wasn’t stressful. I went with the present moment. I completed assignments when needed. I adjusted my schedule when needed. I delayed non important errands and assignments when needed. For instance, I delayed my Intermediate Acct homework and studying for the final to prepare for the Integrated Computer Acct. group project. Do whatever I needed to do now. Do everything one at a time.
*Spring ’10 lesson was timing is everything: The past classes I took helped me this quarter. Acct 1B and 1C helped me in Excel. Payroll Acct. helped me in Integrated Computer Acct. Integrated Computer Acct. first 3 weeks of financial acct review helped me review the basics for Intermediate Acct.
Luck was also in my favor. The group presentation in Integrated Computer Acct is the best example. Our group was considered the best because everyone did their part and our oral presentation was considered among the classmates as the best. We were the first picked so we relaxed the rest of the other group presentations.
The classes I completed set me up for Winter ’11 and Spring ’11. If everything goes well, I earn my AA degree after Spring ’11.
*Fall ’10 lesson was use it or lose it: I took Intermediate Acct. even though I have to attend classes four days a week fearing there is no Intermediate Acct. in Winter ’11. The choice was correct. There is an Intermediate Acct. class in Winter ’11. The bad part is the instructor is terrible. Also Intermediate Computer Acct. is a night class in Winter ’11.
I met the most new people and made new friends compared to past quarters. I also checked out classic movies from the library. The movies I watched were The Midnight Cowboy, The French Connection, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Vertigo, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Some Like It Hot, The Manchurian Candidate, and Rosemary’s Baby. The only boring moments were the lectures.
I attend classes two days a week for Winter ’11. It’s great not going to school four days a week. On days I don’t attend classes, I focus on five activities: ice skating, cooking, working out at the gym, making another costume with my mom, and reading books. Going back to De Anza is a second chance for me going to college. I failed to learn skills and experience new experiences outside the classroom when I attended San Jose State. I’m not making the same mistake twice.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Excel and Integrated Computer Acct classes were completed last week. I had one more class which was Intermediate Acct. One more final. I devoted all my studying time. No worries. I was wrong. I had trouble concentrating since Wed Dec 1. I studied one chapter from Thur Dec 2 to Sat Dec 4. I didn’t study on Sun Dec 5. My mind was exhausted studying and comprehending. The worst was completing missing homework assignments I failed to complete after the first mid-term. I choose to wait for Mon’s lecture and final review to narrow down what I need to study and what I need to avoid.
Mon’s lecture class everybody showed up. All the seats were full. The instructor passed out the practice final. He said, “The final is very similar.” Everyone was worried about the final. Everyone was wide awake during the review. This final was the first time I was scared. I was never scared of any finals before Intermediate Acct and throughout my years at San Jose State. The final is multiple choice and short answer.
My only break between now and the final on Wed Dec 8 was dance class. We reviewed all the dances we learned and danced our dance demonstration Rumba. The class was not full. And some students walked out about 30 minutes into our dances. Those people are not coming back next quarter.
Wed Dec 8
I reviewed everything I needed to know using the practice final as a guide and I studied additional concepts at least three times. I did everything I could. My mind was a sponge full of water ready to be squeezed afterwards. The final was passed out. Multiple choice only. No short answer. You got to be kidding. The final was actually very similar to the practice final. I never had a class where the instructor passed out the sample final that was very similar to the instructor’s practice final. Those classes the practice final and the actual final were different.
Most of the questions in the actual final were from the practice final. The professor changed the numbers and/or changed what was asked on some questions. The concepts were the same. There were some questions from the first mid-term which was expected. I know I passed the final. The question now is what is my final grade.
I promised a few students from the dance demonstration I attend the Wed’s class. I attended and quickly learned their dance routines and their dance demonstration Cha Cha Cha. It was great seeing some people from past dance classes taking the Wed’s class.
Fall ’10 quarter was a bad quarter that was the fastest ever—faster than Spring ‘10. The main reason was I had trouble concentrating. I ask myself why. Perhaps I had too much fun. Perhaps I took the quarter for granted such that I got excellent grades in past classes especially my fundamental acct classes my attitude I pass Intermediate Acct easily was false. Perhaps I attended school four days a week instead of two days. Perhaps it was all my classes failing to stimulate my mind; for instance, the Intermediate and Integrated instructors always arrived late and the Excel instructor was lazy. Perhaps it was the San Francisco Giants winning the World Series. It was all of the above.
The De Anza lessons I learned (outside class) saved me from complete unfocus:
*Fall ’09 lesson was everyone is human: Knowing people and making new friends helps lower the stress and the burden of homework, projects, and exams. We’re human. We want to be with people. We don’t want to be alone. And we make mistakes and we learn from them.
*Winter’10 lesson was go with the flow: I think back and Fall ’10 really wasn’t stressful. I went with the present moment. I completed assignments when needed. I adjusted my schedule when needed. I delayed non important errands and assignments when needed. For instance, I delayed my Intermediate Acct homework and studying for the final to prepare for the Integrated Computer Acct. group project. Do whatever I needed to do now. Do everything one at a time.
*Spring ’10 lesson was timing is everything: The past classes I took helped me this quarter. Acct 1B and 1C helped me in Excel. Payroll Acct. helped me in Integrated Computer Acct. Integrated Computer Acct. first 3 weeks of financial acct review helped me review the basics for Intermediate Acct.
Luck was also in my favor. The group presentation in Integrated Computer Acct is the best example. Our group was considered the best because everyone did their part and our oral presentation was considered among the classmates as the best. We were the first picked so we relaxed the rest of the other group presentations.
The classes I completed set me up for Winter ’11 and Spring ’11. If everything goes well, I earn my AA degree after Spring ’11.
*Fall ’10 lesson was use it or lose it: I took Intermediate Acct. even though I have to attend classes four days a week fearing there is no Intermediate Acct. in Winter ’11. The choice was correct. There is an Intermediate Acct. class in Winter ’11. The bad part is the instructor is terrible. Also Intermediate Computer Acct. is a night class in Winter ’11.
I met the most new people and made new friends compared to past quarters. I also checked out classic movies from the library. The movies I watched were The Midnight Cowboy, The French Connection, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Vertigo, Yankee Doodle Dandy, Some Like It Hot, The Manchurian Candidate, and Rosemary’s Baby. The only boring moments were the lectures.
I attend classes two days a week for Winter ’11. It’s great not going to school four days a week. On days I don’t attend classes, I focus on five activities: ice skating, cooking, working out at the gym, making another costume with my mom, and reading books. Going back to De Anza is a second chance for me going to college. I failed to learn skills and experience new experiences outside the classroom when I attended San Jose State. I’m not making the same mistake twice.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Backup Your Files
On Thur Dec 9, my laptop froze and crashed. I want to stress it’s important to backup your files. Very important! I use USB sticks, external hard drives, SD cards, and DVDs to backup. Never take your computer for granted. My Gaming PC crashed in July. All my files were backed up. It was worth the extra minute to backup. Image what if your computer crashed and you have no backups. You spend much more time recreating files than taking a minute or two to backup before you shut down.
Blogger’s note: My final Fall ’10 De Anza blog is coming soon. I have much to say for the epilogue and highlights.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Blogger’s note: My final Fall ’10 De Anza blog is coming soon. I have much to say for the epilogue and highlights.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, December 03, 2010
De Anza Week Nov 29, 2010
Mon Nov 29
My Thanksgiving was productive. There was something to do from schoolwork to homework (that is, home working and chores) and just having fun. This week is the last full week of classes. Crunch time begins one week early before finals.
The effects of the Thanksgiving weekend affected me today. I worked on the formal paper for my group project in Integrated Computer Acct. I was so close finishing it was worth attending Intermediate Acct. class. The instructor was always late so I know I miss a few concepts. His lectures are terrible anyways.
Crunch time week so far in my favor. I arrived 30 minutes late. There was a guest speaker from Becker, a company that prepares students taking the CPA exam. Lucky! The instructor didn’t pass out the attendance checklist. Lucky!
I stayed in campus after Intermediate because my group practiced our oral presentation. We met in front of the library at 4pm. I brought my laptop to simulate the Powerpoint slide presentation. We checked out a room inside the library. The practice session was successful. We’re ready to go. We want to be the first group to present.
Dance class was the lowest attendance. The class was tired. We had enough strength to practice the Rumba, our Dance Demonstration dance on Wed Dec 1. We learned the Hustle afterwards.
Tue Nov 30
I experienced fatigue during early crunch time week. I cut my Excel class and skipped breakfast at home. I purchased donuts and shopped at Staples to purchase a cover folder for the Integrated Computer Acct. formal paper. I arrived at the computer lab to print out the last homework assignment for Integrated Computer Acct. I talked to the Excel instructor regarding the household project and final. I have the option to present the project one-on-one on Wed and take the final on the last class meeting on Thurs.
Lucky! My group drew the short end of the straw to present first in Integrated Computer Acct. The presentation went well. There were no problems. What a relief. Our group is officially finished with Integrated Computer Acct. There is no final in the class. Crunch time continues tomorrow.
Wed Dec 1
Crunch time continued today while fatigue continued last night. I didn’t read chapter 10 for Intermediate Acct. I dozed off last night. Today’s lecture started with the professor announcing part of Chap 10 is on the final. He finishes Chapter 10 in Intermediate Acct Part II in Winter ’11.
Moreover, I should be eating donuts on days of mid-terms and finals instead of oatmeal. My Excel project must be presented one-on-one to the instructor. I earned a 100% score. I ate donuts between presenting my Excel project and Intermediate Acct. I didn’t eat breakfast at home.
Tonight was the Dance Demonstration. The social dance portion of the demo event Rumba and Cha Cha Cha were great. There was a minor problem in the Rumba as 25% of the class failed to attend. We managed. I helped out the Cha Cha Cha routine by being a substitute leader because fewer leaders showed up. In class meetings, there were more leaders than followers. It seemed some leaders chickened out performing the demo. I was asked to come to Wed’s class, the Cha Cha Cha class, on finals week. I plan to attend.
Thur Dec 2
Crap! I realized I forgot to complete the multiple choice CPA sample questions in the weekly homework assignments in Integrated Acct. The rest of the night I complete them and turn them in. It’s better late and not being turned in.
Excel and Integrated Computer Acct. are officially finished. I took the final in Excel. It was simple true/false and multiple choice. All the groups finished their presentations in Integrated. We got our extra credit exams back. I scored a 29 out of 35 extra credit points. Not too bad. Both classes look good earning an A grade.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
My Thanksgiving was productive. There was something to do from schoolwork to homework (that is, home working and chores) and just having fun. This week is the last full week of classes. Crunch time begins one week early before finals.
The effects of the Thanksgiving weekend affected me today. I worked on the formal paper for my group project in Integrated Computer Acct. I was so close finishing it was worth attending Intermediate Acct. class. The instructor was always late so I know I miss a few concepts. His lectures are terrible anyways.
Crunch time week so far in my favor. I arrived 30 minutes late. There was a guest speaker from Becker, a company that prepares students taking the CPA exam. Lucky! The instructor didn’t pass out the attendance checklist. Lucky!
I stayed in campus after Intermediate because my group practiced our oral presentation. We met in front of the library at 4pm. I brought my laptop to simulate the Powerpoint slide presentation. We checked out a room inside the library. The practice session was successful. We’re ready to go. We want to be the first group to present.
Dance class was the lowest attendance. The class was tired. We had enough strength to practice the Rumba, our Dance Demonstration dance on Wed Dec 1. We learned the Hustle afterwards.
Tue Nov 30
I experienced fatigue during early crunch time week. I cut my Excel class and skipped breakfast at home. I purchased donuts and shopped at Staples to purchase a cover folder for the Integrated Computer Acct. formal paper. I arrived at the computer lab to print out the last homework assignment for Integrated Computer Acct. I talked to the Excel instructor regarding the household project and final. I have the option to present the project one-on-one on Wed and take the final on the last class meeting on Thurs.
Lucky! My group drew the short end of the straw to present first in Integrated Computer Acct. The presentation went well. There were no problems. What a relief. Our group is officially finished with Integrated Computer Acct. There is no final in the class. Crunch time continues tomorrow.
Wed Dec 1
Crunch time continued today while fatigue continued last night. I didn’t read chapter 10 for Intermediate Acct. I dozed off last night. Today’s lecture started with the professor announcing part of Chap 10 is on the final. He finishes Chapter 10 in Intermediate Acct Part II in Winter ’11.
Moreover, I should be eating donuts on days of mid-terms and finals instead of oatmeal. My Excel project must be presented one-on-one to the instructor. I earned a 100% score. I ate donuts between presenting my Excel project and Intermediate Acct. I didn’t eat breakfast at home.
Tonight was the Dance Demonstration. The social dance portion of the demo event Rumba and Cha Cha Cha were great. There was a minor problem in the Rumba as 25% of the class failed to attend. We managed. I helped out the Cha Cha Cha routine by being a substitute leader because fewer leaders showed up. In class meetings, there were more leaders than followers. It seemed some leaders chickened out performing the demo. I was asked to come to Wed’s class, the Cha Cha Cha class, on finals week. I plan to attend.
Thur Dec 2
Crap! I realized I forgot to complete the multiple choice CPA sample questions in the weekly homework assignments in Integrated Acct. The rest of the night I complete them and turn them in. It’s better late and not being turned in.
Excel and Integrated Computer Acct. are officially finished. I took the final in Excel. It was simple true/false and multiple choice. All the groups finished their presentations in Integrated. We got our extra credit exams back. I scored a 29 out of 35 extra credit points. Not too bad. Both classes look good earning an A grade.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, November 26, 2010
De Anza Week Nov 22, 2010
Mon Nov 22
Thanksgiving hurt today's lecture in Intermediate Acct. It was boring and I almost fell asleep a few times. Fortunately, I focused on the highlights and wrote down the notes in my textbook. The class ended early because the professor had an appointment. Thanks goodness it did.
In dance class, it was an good turnout given its Thanksgiving week. We reviewed the Rumba which was needed. Great review and some questions were answered. Then we danced the Nite Club Two Step. The class was fun.
Tue Nov 23
I went to Excel class just to get my questions answered for the last homework assignment. I finished the homework assignment in the lab. The final assignment is the second project. I complete the project on Thanksgiving Day. The project is not difficult. It takes some time requiring no stress.
We're almost finalized for our Integrated Computer Acct. computer project. Our group leader prepared a PowerPoint draft. We looked at it and gave feedback. I need to modify my conclusion. I'm also responsible for combining the group written project. Everyone emails me their Word written portion and I put them together. We meet Mon at 4pm for a dry run.
Wed Nov 24
Today was the day before Thanksgiving. I anticipated a low attendance. It was actually a big attendance. There were just a few empty seats here and there. The lecture was not boring. We reviewed Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 material from a CPA sample test. I actually learned a few things. The class ended early. There is homework in Intermediate Acct during the holiday. I have lots of homework.
I checked out Rosemary's Baby and Bolt movies at the library for the holiday. I watched The Manchurian Candidate last week.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Thanksgiving hurt today's lecture in Intermediate Acct. It was boring and I almost fell asleep a few times. Fortunately, I focused on the highlights and wrote down the notes in my textbook. The class ended early because the professor had an appointment. Thanks goodness it did.
In dance class, it was an good turnout given its Thanksgiving week. We reviewed the Rumba which was needed. Great review and some questions were answered. Then we danced the Nite Club Two Step. The class was fun.
Tue Nov 23
I went to Excel class just to get my questions answered for the last homework assignment. I finished the homework assignment in the lab. The final assignment is the second project. I complete the project on Thanksgiving Day. The project is not difficult. It takes some time requiring no stress.
We're almost finalized for our Integrated Computer Acct. computer project. Our group leader prepared a PowerPoint draft. We looked at it and gave feedback. I need to modify my conclusion. I'm also responsible for combining the group written project. Everyone emails me their Word written portion and I put them together. We meet Mon at 4pm for a dry run.
Wed Nov 24
Today was the day before Thanksgiving. I anticipated a low attendance. It was actually a big attendance. There were just a few empty seats here and there. The lecture was not boring. We reviewed Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 material from a CPA sample test. I actually learned a few things. The class ended early. There is homework in Intermediate Acct during the holiday. I have lots of homework.
I checked out Rosemary's Baby and Bolt movies at the library for the holiday. I watched The Manchurian Candidate last week.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Thursday, November 18, 2010
De Anza Week Nov 15, 2010
Mon Nov 15
I had lots of thoughts in my mind last weekend. It was like my brain never rested. There was something in my mind all day and all night. I could have taken many naps from mind fatigue. The many thoughts continued today.
It seemed many students had lots in their minds today. My Intermediate Acct. instructor had lots in his mind, too. He was interrupted two times from his cell phone. One of his daughters has a chronic illness, and he gets phone calls in case of emergency. Fortunately, there was nothing serious. There are three more weeks of regular class meetings. Finals begin four weeks from today. There are lots in many people’s minds today.
We practiced entering and exiting for the dance demonstration. We learned the Nite Club Two Step. I corrected a few mistakes learning the Nite Club Two Step again.
Tue Nov 16
I completed the homework assignment for this week’s Excel class. I needed help from a few students. Thanks very much. There is one more homework assignment, a second project, and the final.
The Integrated Computer Acct. instructor seemed to have a stick up her ass. She came into the class demanding completed green sheets for each group’s project. Nobody finished the green sheet. We were confused. It seemed there was a misunderstanding. The instructor gave us ten minutes to complete. My group completed our green sheets just in time.
Throughout the day I had trouble concentrating. The factors were fatigue and too much in my mind. There was a little worry what I want to do in the future. It was like I’m making a mistake and I want to correct it. The problem was I don’t know what the mistake is. It’s okay. I must free my mind or I overthink everything.
Wed Nov 17
I wrote I had too much in my mind on Monday’s journal entry. Today I remembered to live to moment, live the present. I must do everything one at a time. Wednesday’s journal entry is a reminder to take everything one at a time. Focus on the present, focus on the moment. Even professionals need reminders. We’re human. We forget. We celebrate and appreciate the moment we remember.
Thur Nov 18
Fatigue continued today as I choose to skip Excel class. I asked a classmate if I missed anything. It seems I didn’t. I worked on the last homework assignment last night. I’m almost finished. I have one part I ask the instructor on Tuesday. Otherwise, the assignment looks good.
I also explored and played around with DacEasy, the accounting software my group is doing for the Integrated Computer Acct. group project. The group and I planned what we’re going to talk about and the order of our presentations. This weekend we research our topic and create draft powerpoint slides.
Today was the extra credit exam for Integrated Computer Acct. The instructor was strict and we must follow her procedures. Think about it. This is an extra credit exam. For example, the exam was completed on a computer. We could print one page only. If we make a mistake, we can’t print again. I fail to understand why she made it hard just for an extra credit exam? On the other hand, the student shouldn’t make a big deal because it’s an extra credit exam. We can’t lose points. The student should just follow the rules and earn as many points possible.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
I had lots of thoughts in my mind last weekend. It was like my brain never rested. There was something in my mind all day and all night. I could have taken many naps from mind fatigue. The many thoughts continued today.
It seemed many students had lots in their minds today. My Intermediate Acct. instructor had lots in his mind, too. He was interrupted two times from his cell phone. One of his daughters has a chronic illness, and he gets phone calls in case of emergency. Fortunately, there was nothing serious. There are three more weeks of regular class meetings. Finals begin four weeks from today. There are lots in many people’s minds today.
We practiced entering and exiting for the dance demonstration. We learned the Nite Club Two Step. I corrected a few mistakes learning the Nite Club Two Step again.
Tue Nov 16
I completed the homework assignment for this week’s Excel class. I needed help from a few students. Thanks very much. There is one more homework assignment, a second project, and the final.
The Integrated Computer Acct. instructor seemed to have a stick up her ass. She came into the class demanding completed green sheets for each group’s project. Nobody finished the green sheet. We were confused. It seemed there was a misunderstanding. The instructor gave us ten minutes to complete. My group completed our green sheets just in time.
Throughout the day I had trouble concentrating. The factors were fatigue and too much in my mind. There was a little worry what I want to do in the future. It was like I’m making a mistake and I want to correct it. The problem was I don’t know what the mistake is. It’s okay. I must free my mind or I overthink everything.
Wed Nov 17
I wrote I had too much in my mind on Monday’s journal entry. Today I remembered to live to moment, live the present. I must do everything one at a time. Wednesday’s journal entry is a reminder to take everything one at a time. Focus on the present, focus on the moment. Even professionals need reminders. We’re human. We forget. We celebrate and appreciate the moment we remember.
Thur Nov 18
Fatigue continued today as I choose to skip Excel class. I asked a classmate if I missed anything. It seems I didn’t. I worked on the last homework assignment last night. I’m almost finished. I have one part I ask the instructor on Tuesday. Otherwise, the assignment looks good.
I also explored and played around with DacEasy, the accounting software my group is doing for the Integrated Computer Acct. group project. The group and I planned what we’re going to talk about and the order of our presentations. This weekend we research our topic and create draft powerpoint slides.
Today was the extra credit exam for Integrated Computer Acct. The instructor was strict and we must follow her procedures. Think about it. This is an extra credit exam. For example, the exam was completed on a computer. We could print one page only. If we make a mistake, we can’t print again. I fail to understand why she made it hard just for an extra credit exam? On the other hand, the student shouldn’t make a big deal because it’s an extra credit exam. We can’t lose points. The student should just follow the rules and earn as many points possible.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Monday, November 15, 2010
De Anza Week Nov 8, 2010
Mon Nov 8
We got our scores for the Intermediate Acct. mid-term. The professor said there’s no time for mid-term #2. It looks like we’re preparing for another final. (I mentioned the mid-term was like a final on Mon Nov 1’s blog entry.) The mid-term was graded on a curve. The students added 5% to their grade. My raw score was 86% resulting in a final score of 91%. The mid-term was hard and some students were disappointed.
The professor added the 5% curve because he wanted to compensate the students experiencing unfair and confusing questions. The curve was another example everyone is human. Teachers are human. They make mistakes. They’re not perfect. Students want good and perfect teachers. Good teachers exist. Perfect teachers don’t exist. I understand how some students were confused on some questions as I looked at the mid-term again. The hard mid-term was not perfect in terms of asking 100% fair questions.
In dance class, we spent more time practicing the Rumba for the Dance Demonstration. More dancers are getting the dance routine. We need more practice. I like the instructor’s way of free for all when we trade partners. Most students do trade partners. We are also learning the East Coast Swing and Fox Trot.
Tue Nov 9
It’s important to eat three meals a day. I had to eat breakfast at De Anza because I was running behind. The food tasted like cafeteria food. Yummy!
In Excel, we continued the M1 project. I finished my project last week. I don’t have to attend class on Thur. I worked on the second project which is the household budget.
Today’s Integrated Computer Acct was one of the better classes. We reviewed the homework most of the class. The last 15 minutes we separated into assigned groups for the group final project.
Wed Nov 10
One of the keys to success is to adjust. Throughout the quarter I have been adjusting how I learn from my Intermediate Acct professor’s lectures. Sometimes his lectures have nothing to do with the current chapter. Sometimes his lectures are confusing. Sometimes his lectures are hard to understand. There was a period I ignored his lectures and read the book. Ignoring his lectures was hard because they were so bad I couldn’t concentrate. Today, I adjusted again how I spend my time in class. I followed his lectures by listening to him and have my book open on the pages he lectured. I write anything important on the book. I don’t write anything on my notebook because his lectures are confusing and hard to understand I don’t know what to write. I didn’t review my lecture notes when I studied for the mid-term.
Thur Nov 11
I skipped Excel class because I completed the first project. Students who completed the first project were excused from class today.
We turned in the Hilton project in Excel. The Hilton project was doing accounting 100% by hand written on pencil. The Hilton project in Excel transfers the trial balance and the financial statements in Excel. We continued with the group project during the last 15 minutes.
The movie for the week is Some Like It Hot. Last week’s movie was Yankee Doodle Dandy.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
We got our scores for the Intermediate Acct. mid-term. The professor said there’s no time for mid-term #2. It looks like we’re preparing for another final. (I mentioned the mid-term was like a final on Mon Nov 1’s blog entry.) The mid-term was graded on a curve. The students added 5% to their grade. My raw score was 86% resulting in a final score of 91%. The mid-term was hard and some students were disappointed.
The professor added the 5% curve because he wanted to compensate the students experiencing unfair and confusing questions. The curve was another example everyone is human. Teachers are human. They make mistakes. They’re not perfect. Students want good and perfect teachers. Good teachers exist. Perfect teachers don’t exist. I understand how some students were confused on some questions as I looked at the mid-term again. The hard mid-term was not perfect in terms of asking 100% fair questions.
In dance class, we spent more time practicing the Rumba for the Dance Demonstration. More dancers are getting the dance routine. We need more practice. I like the instructor’s way of free for all when we trade partners. Most students do trade partners. We are also learning the East Coast Swing and Fox Trot.
Tue Nov 9
It’s important to eat three meals a day. I had to eat breakfast at De Anza because I was running behind. The food tasted like cafeteria food. Yummy!
In Excel, we continued the M1 project. I finished my project last week. I don’t have to attend class on Thur. I worked on the second project which is the household budget.
Today’s Integrated Computer Acct was one of the better classes. We reviewed the homework most of the class. The last 15 minutes we separated into assigned groups for the group final project.
Wed Nov 10
One of the keys to success is to adjust. Throughout the quarter I have been adjusting how I learn from my Intermediate Acct professor’s lectures. Sometimes his lectures have nothing to do with the current chapter. Sometimes his lectures are confusing. Sometimes his lectures are hard to understand. There was a period I ignored his lectures and read the book. Ignoring his lectures was hard because they were so bad I couldn’t concentrate. Today, I adjusted again how I spend my time in class. I followed his lectures by listening to him and have my book open on the pages he lectured. I write anything important on the book. I don’t write anything on my notebook because his lectures are confusing and hard to understand I don’t know what to write. I didn’t review my lecture notes when I studied for the mid-term.
Thur Nov 11
I skipped Excel class because I completed the first project. Students who completed the first project were excused from class today.
We turned in the Hilton project in Excel. The Hilton project was doing accounting 100% by hand written on pencil. The Hilton project in Excel transfers the trial balance and the financial statements in Excel. We continued with the group project during the last 15 minutes.
The movie for the week is Some Like It Hot. Last week’s movie was Yankee Doodle Dandy.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, November 12, 2010
Taking Care Of Yourself Is A Part Time Job
I went to my dentist for a routine checkup a month ago. My hygienist and dentist always tell me ways to keep my teeth clean. They always remind me to brush and floss correctly. There is a correct way and an incorrect way to floss. They tell me to use a proxy brush and a tongue cleaner. I approve proxy brushes and tongue cleaners.
The dentist visit inspired me to write a blog on how I take care of myself. I realized I spend a good amount of time daily taking care of myself. Taking care of myself includes keeping me clean, eating healthy, exercise, and doing the bare necessities. One may think there is so much to do to maintain a good body. It’s true. There is much to do. Here’s mine:
*I shave three or four days a week. I use a razor, shaving cream, and after shave. It takes me 15 min. I heard that shaving can be done in 10 min. My quickest is around 12 min.
*I brush my teeth and clean my tongue before I sleep. I admit I don’t brush my teeth after breakfast. I actually use a proxy brush. I dental floss two times a week.
*I workout three days a week. Two days of weights and small cardio and one day of full cardio. I stretch before workouts.
*Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies. Expect healthy meals from me. I continue to improvement my cooking.
*I prefer showering before I sleep. I sleep much better feeling clean. My face is prone to eczema. I apply a topical cream after I shower. I apply a different cream to control my blackheads and whiteheads when there are no signs of eczema.
*I apply a moisturizing cream on my hands during the day and before I sleep.
*I wear a retainer during my sleep permanently. I clean the retainer every three days.
*Laundry is done once a week.
*Nose hairs, finger nails, and toe nails are cut when needed.
*Deodorant is applied when I’m outdoors and sunscreen is applied on sunny days. I avoid applying sunscreen most of the time because I wear a hat.
That’s a lot of work and effort. I continue to find better ways and to find new ways to take care of myself. Stay clean everyone.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
The dentist visit inspired me to write a blog on how I take care of myself. I realized I spend a good amount of time daily taking care of myself. Taking care of myself includes keeping me clean, eating healthy, exercise, and doing the bare necessities. One may think there is so much to do to maintain a good body. It’s true. There is much to do. Here’s mine:
*I shave three or four days a week. I use a razor, shaving cream, and after shave. It takes me 15 min. I heard that shaving can be done in 10 min. My quickest is around 12 min.
*I brush my teeth and clean my tongue before I sleep. I admit I don’t brush my teeth after breakfast. I actually use a proxy brush. I dental floss two times a week.
*I workout three days a week. Two days of weights and small cardio and one day of full cardio. I stretch before workouts.
*Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies. Expect healthy meals from me. I continue to improvement my cooking.
*I prefer showering before I sleep. I sleep much better feeling clean. My face is prone to eczema. I apply a topical cream after I shower. I apply a different cream to control my blackheads and whiteheads when there are no signs of eczema.
*I apply a moisturizing cream on my hands during the day and before I sleep.
*I wear a retainer during my sleep permanently. I clean the retainer every three days.
*Laundry is done once a week.
*Nose hairs, finger nails, and toe nails are cut when needed.
*Deodorant is applied when I’m outdoors and sunscreen is applied on sunny days. I avoid applying sunscreen most of the time because I wear a hat.
That’s a lot of work and effort. I continue to find better ways and to find new ways to take care of myself. Stay clean everyone.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Sunday, November 07, 2010
De Anza Week Nov 1, 2010
Mon Nov 1
We took the first mid-term for Intermediate Acct. I approached the mid-term like a final, similar to the San Francisco Giants defeating the Philadelphia Phillies on Game 6. Manager Bruce Bochy wanted to end the National League Championship Series on Game 6 and avoid playing Game 7. The mid-term could be thought of as a final plus a mid-term. The final portion was a review of Financial Acct 1A and a little of 1B including journal entries, closing entries, inventories, and financial statements. The mid-term portion was new concepts how to recognize revenue using the percentage completion and the complete contract method.
The entire class was surprised when the professor said the mid-term was all multiple choice. There was no short answer.
Tue Nov 2
Control what you can control. Don’t control what you can’t control. There are some instructors who intentionally write difficult mid-terms. The Integrated Computer Acct. mid-term consisted of 55 multiple choice questions and short answers. The class had 45 minutes to complete the mid-term. Almost impossible. We completed the mid-term 10-15 minutes after class was supposed to be over. Many students were unhappy with their performance. Don’t worry about it. The instructor intentionally gave us little time to finish a full mid-term. I fail to understand why the instructor gave us 45 minutes?
Wed Nov 3
One sign of immature people is they taking frustrations out on others. Don’t blame it on me. It wasn’t my fault, and sometimes it wasn’t your fault so why take it out on me. I used to be that person a long time ago. I hated myself for that. I take responsibility for my actions. I have no reason to express my anger and frustrations towards other people. It’s rude, I act like a jerk, and I feel no better letting it out towards others.
Today was another example of a person taking their frustrations out on others. The professor told the class he kicked a student out of his other class for cheating. He wasn’t himself. The lecture disengaged from him and the students. It was a bad day for the professor.
Thur Nov 4
The smartest and best successful people want support teams who think. They don’t want people who follow. They want thinkers. There is always a better way.
My Integrated Computer Acct. teacher continuously say to follow directions. She believes people are fired from their jobs by failing to follow directions. I disagree. People are fired because they’re not a team worker. Companies want thinkers who innovate continuously. If I followed her advice how to be a good worker, I’m going to be fired. When I worked at Cisco, Cisco wanted thinkers, not followers.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
We took the first mid-term for Intermediate Acct. I approached the mid-term like a final, similar to the San Francisco Giants defeating the Philadelphia Phillies on Game 6. Manager Bruce Bochy wanted to end the National League Championship Series on Game 6 and avoid playing Game 7. The mid-term could be thought of as a final plus a mid-term. The final portion was a review of Financial Acct 1A and a little of 1B including journal entries, closing entries, inventories, and financial statements. The mid-term portion was new concepts how to recognize revenue using the percentage completion and the complete contract method.
The entire class was surprised when the professor said the mid-term was all multiple choice. There was no short answer.
Tue Nov 2
Control what you can control. Don’t control what you can’t control. There are some instructors who intentionally write difficult mid-terms. The Integrated Computer Acct. mid-term consisted of 55 multiple choice questions and short answers. The class had 45 minutes to complete the mid-term. Almost impossible. We completed the mid-term 10-15 minutes after class was supposed to be over. Many students were unhappy with their performance. Don’t worry about it. The instructor intentionally gave us little time to finish a full mid-term. I fail to understand why the instructor gave us 45 minutes?
Wed Nov 3
One sign of immature people is they taking frustrations out on others. Don’t blame it on me. It wasn’t my fault, and sometimes it wasn’t your fault so why take it out on me. I used to be that person a long time ago. I hated myself for that. I take responsibility for my actions. I have no reason to express my anger and frustrations towards other people. It’s rude, I act like a jerk, and I feel no better letting it out towards others.
Today was another example of a person taking their frustrations out on others. The professor told the class he kicked a student out of his other class for cheating. He wasn’t himself. The lecture disengaged from him and the students. It was a bad day for the professor.
Thur Nov 4
The smartest and best successful people want support teams who think. They don’t want people who follow. They want thinkers. There is always a better way.
My Integrated Computer Acct. teacher continuously say to follow directions. She believes people are fired from their jobs by failing to follow directions. I disagree. People are fired because they’re not a team worker. Companies want thinkers who innovate continuously. If I followed her advice how to be a good worker, I’m going to be fired. When I worked at Cisco, Cisco wanted thinkers, not followers.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, November 05, 2010
Why I Think The San Francisco Giants Won The World Series
The San Francisco Giants won the 2010 World Series for the first time in franchise history. We waited 52 years since the Giants moved to San Francisco from New York. The Giants went to the World Series in 1962, 1989, and 2002 resulting in losses. There are many reasons why the Giants won the 2010 World Series. I share some reasons and my number one reason.
Is it management?
Manager Bruce Bochy and General Manager Brian Sabean were masterful managing the team and bringing in the winning players. Bochy earned the manager of the year award and, if there was a general manager of the year award, Sabean earned it. Management is part of my number one reason.
Is it the players?
We have rookies, veterans, young, old, big, small, thin, and thick players. We have players other teams wanted. We have players no other team wanted. We have players who joined our team after their last team didn’t want them. We have players who came from the minors ready to play in the big league. There was no single dominate player. They were a bunch of carefree, loose, relaxed players. The management brought these players together. The players are part of my number one reason.
Is it chemistry?
Aubrey Huff’s wearing a rally thong, Brian Wilson’s fear the beard, the “panda” Pablo Sandoval, broadcaster Duane Kuiper’s saying Giants baseball playing style “(is) torture,” and Cody Ross’s new nickname “smiles.” The Giants were a bunch of guys here, there, and everywhere: the rookies called up from the minors, players from last season, new players for this season, and players claimed others teams didn’t want anymore. They clicked together like pieces from a jigsaw puzzle all fit together to make a championship team. They played selfishly. There was a different hero everyday.
The team came together on Sept 23 in Chicago’s Wrigley Field. Edgar Renteria wanted to win the World Series badly no matter what. Renteria was on the disabled list three times and he’s nearing retirement. He wanted to do anything, even be a bench player. He started to cry. Then everyone else cried. They came together. Chemistry is part of my number one reason.
My number one is . . .
My number one reason is action. The Giants took action to win the World Series. The organization corrected mistakes. The organization improved what was good to make it better. The organization made trades. The organization was patient. The organization made moves and choices in good timing. They made choices and adjustments throughout the season making sure the team was on the winning track.
Bochy’s daily lineup and game time decisions the best players are on the field and the lineup maximizes the best success against the opposing pitchers. Sabean making the trades and bringing players from wavers during the season.
How about those players: Aubrey Huff and Mark DeRosa and Juan Uribe signed in the off season, Todd Wellemeyer released because he was ineffective, rookies Buster Posey and Madison Bumgarner started in the minors to refine their skills, Mike Fontenot, Pat Burrell and Jose Guillen and Cody Ross from wavers, Javier Lopez and Chris Ray and Ramon Ramirez to improve the bullpen. Also Andres Torres started the season as the fifth outfield. He worked his way up to the leadoff hitter. Freddie Sanchez bounced back from his slump. Bench players Travis Ishikawa and Nate Schierholtz knew their roles. It takes a team to win a championship. The 2010 Giants are one of the best examples playing as a team.
Huff wore his red, rhinestone rally thong at a time the Giants were slumping. The Giants won 20 games. Wilson applied black shoe polish on his beard for his “fear the beard.” Some fans came to the park wearing black beards. The Giants fans faithful support for Sandoval despite having an off year offensively and defensively. Kuiper’s “torture” quote defines Giants’ style of playing close and low scoring games. They were all smiles against the San Diego Padres in game #162, the Atlanta Braves, the Philadelphia Phillies, and the Texas Rangers.
It was action. The organization didn’t hope for winning games, didn’t repeat the same thing over and over hoping for success, didn’t talk and do nothing. They took action. Something needed to get done and it was done.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Is it management?
Manager Bruce Bochy and General Manager Brian Sabean were masterful managing the team and bringing in the winning players. Bochy earned the manager of the year award and, if there was a general manager of the year award, Sabean earned it. Management is part of my number one reason.
Is it the players?
We have rookies, veterans, young, old, big, small, thin, and thick players. We have players other teams wanted. We have players no other team wanted. We have players who joined our team after their last team didn’t want them. We have players who came from the minors ready to play in the big league. There was no single dominate player. They were a bunch of carefree, loose, relaxed players. The management brought these players together. The players are part of my number one reason.
Is it chemistry?
Aubrey Huff’s wearing a rally thong, Brian Wilson’s fear the beard, the “panda” Pablo Sandoval, broadcaster Duane Kuiper’s saying Giants baseball playing style “(is) torture,” and Cody Ross’s new nickname “smiles.” The Giants were a bunch of guys here, there, and everywhere: the rookies called up from the minors, players from last season, new players for this season, and players claimed others teams didn’t want anymore. They clicked together like pieces from a jigsaw puzzle all fit together to make a championship team. They played selfishly. There was a different hero everyday.
The team came together on Sept 23 in Chicago’s Wrigley Field. Edgar Renteria wanted to win the World Series badly no matter what. Renteria was on the disabled list three times and he’s nearing retirement. He wanted to do anything, even be a bench player. He started to cry. Then everyone else cried. They came together. Chemistry is part of my number one reason.
My number one is . . .
My number one reason is action. The Giants took action to win the World Series. The organization corrected mistakes. The organization improved what was good to make it better. The organization made trades. The organization was patient. The organization made moves and choices in good timing. They made choices and adjustments throughout the season making sure the team was on the winning track.
Bochy’s daily lineup and game time decisions the best players are on the field and the lineup maximizes the best success against the opposing pitchers. Sabean making the trades and bringing players from wavers during the season.
How about those players: Aubrey Huff and Mark DeRosa and Juan Uribe signed in the off season, Todd Wellemeyer released because he was ineffective, rookies Buster Posey and Madison Bumgarner started in the minors to refine their skills, Mike Fontenot, Pat Burrell and Jose Guillen and Cody Ross from wavers, Javier Lopez and Chris Ray and Ramon Ramirez to improve the bullpen. Also Andres Torres started the season as the fifth outfield. He worked his way up to the leadoff hitter. Freddie Sanchez bounced back from his slump. Bench players Travis Ishikawa and Nate Schierholtz knew their roles. It takes a team to win a championship. The 2010 Giants are one of the best examples playing as a team.
Huff wore his red, rhinestone rally thong at a time the Giants were slumping. The Giants won 20 games. Wilson applied black shoe polish on his beard for his “fear the beard.” Some fans came to the park wearing black beards. The Giants fans faithful support for Sandoval despite having an off year offensively and defensively. Kuiper’s “torture” quote defines Giants’ style of playing close and low scoring games. They were all smiles against the San Diego Padres in game #162, the Atlanta Braves, the Philadelphia Phillies, and the Texas Rangers.
It was action. The organization didn’t hope for winning games, didn’t repeat the same thing over and over hoping for success, didn’t talk and do nothing. They took action. Something needed to get done and it was done.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Curses Are Meant To Be Broken
The last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series was in 1908, a span of 102 years which is the longest time a team hasn’t won. The second longest is the Cleveland Indians at 62 years. The third longest was the San Francisco Giants at 56 years. The key word is was.
The Giants won the 2010 World Series defeating the Texas Rangers four games to one. The win is the first time in San Francisco franchise history. The torture is over, and that includes torture Giants fans experienced during the last six weeks of the season. Edgar Renteria’s three run go-ahead home run in the bottom of the 7th inning is the Giants most memorable homerun in San Francisco Giants history. The championship is for the Willie Mays, Will Clark, and Barry Bonds eras. The win erases all the Giants curses. Here are some of curses I lived through:
*1987 NLCS. Candy Maldonado’s misplayed fly ball in Game 6 and Jose Oquendo hitting a homerun in Game 7 off Atlee Hammaker against the St. Louis Cardinals. Oquendo hit one homerun in the regular season.
*1989 World Series. Loma Prieta earthquake and the Oakland A’s swept.
*2002 World Series. Anaheim Angels’ Scott Spiezo’s three run go-ahead homerun against Felix Rodriguez in Game 6.
*2003 NLDS. J.T. Snow thrown out at the plate on the last play of the series against the Florida Marlins in Game 5.
Curses are meant to be broken. If you’re in a bad streak of sales, dates, homework and tests scores, interviews for a job, burning cooked dinners, or buying bad goods, don’t worry about it. Don’t give up! Curses are meant to be broken.
Side note: The Boston Red Sox’s broke their curse in 2004.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
The Giants won the 2010 World Series defeating the Texas Rangers four games to one. The win is the first time in San Francisco franchise history. The torture is over, and that includes torture Giants fans experienced during the last six weeks of the season. Edgar Renteria’s three run go-ahead home run in the bottom of the 7th inning is the Giants most memorable homerun in San Francisco Giants history. The championship is for the Willie Mays, Will Clark, and Barry Bonds eras. The win erases all the Giants curses. Here are some of curses I lived through:
*1987 NLCS. Candy Maldonado’s misplayed fly ball in Game 6 and Jose Oquendo hitting a homerun in Game 7 off Atlee Hammaker against the St. Louis Cardinals. Oquendo hit one homerun in the regular season.
*1989 World Series. Loma Prieta earthquake and the Oakland A’s swept.
*2002 World Series. Anaheim Angels’ Scott Spiezo’s three run go-ahead homerun against Felix Rodriguez in Game 6.
*2003 NLDS. J.T. Snow thrown out at the plate on the last play of the series against the Florida Marlins in Game 5.
Curses are meant to be broken. If you’re in a bad streak of sales, dates, homework and tests scores, interviews for a job, burning cooked dinners, or buying bad goods, don’t worry about it. Don’t give up! Curses are meant to be broken.
Side note: The Boston Red Sox’s broke their curse in 2004.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Thursday, October 28, 2010
De Anza Week Oct 25, 2010
Mon Oct 25
I have a better understanding why most students eat out more than they want. The reasons are saving time from cooking and saving money (arguably, eating out is cheaper than eating at home). I ate out for lunch and ate lots of candy bars more often than I want in Spring ’10. The food at home was boring. I was in survival mode especially after Memorial Day weekend. I was one step closer to survival mode today because I have a mid-term on Thur and two mid-terms next week.
Fall ’10 quarter sets how I handle Winter ’11 and Spring ’11. If everything goes well, I earn my AA degree in Accounting at the end of Spring ‘11. I plan to take two classes in Winter and Spring ’11 quarters. I shouldn’t take three classes because I need time for family. I’m more involved in daily routines at home than I should be including cooking and washing dishes. The more time I spend with family, the less time I have for school work. I’m spoiled because I don’t have to take GE classes since I have a bachelors; on the other hand, I can’t attend San Jose State because I already have a bachelors. San Jose State prohibits students who want a second bachelors because of the bad economy and overcrowding. I have no rush graduating De Anza with a AA given my current family situation, no job, and the prolonged recession.
Tue Oct 26
Intermediate Acct and Integrated Computer Acct. classes are behind schedule. What else is new in life? I believe everyone is behind on something. The irony is students who submit their homework and projects late are penalized. Teachers grading homework and mid-terms late and are behind schedule in the syllabus are not penalized. Similarly, sons and daughters who are late doing something are penalized by their parents—at least strict parents; however, if parents are late with something, sons and daughters don’t penalized their parents.
In the real world, sometimes work, projects, and commitments are completed late. There are no repercussions most of the time. I received late commitments at Grubb & Ellis, Colliers, and even Cisco. We do our best to meet our deadlines and commitments. Sometimes we can’t. Fall’10 is the quarter I submitted homework late. I do my best meeting homework deadlines. I have other activities and responsibilities outside school I must complete.
I thought students were lazy submitting assignments late while I was at San Jose State. Now that I think about it, many of those students submitting assignments late were not lazy. They have other commitments such as working and taking care of their family. There is so much we do in today’s information age way of living. The honest people complete their responsibilities and commitments the best and the earliest we can.
Wed Oct 27
Read the textbook, do the homework, and study hard are keys to earn high grades. Another key to earn high grades teachers and counselors fail to advise their students is eat well. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are meals unavoidable. No junk food. No cookies and chips while doing your math. If you need to skip a meal, skip lunch. Breakfast is the most important meal.
I concentrate better when I eat three meals a day. I concentrate in classes when I eat breakfast. I’m in a good mood when I’m not hungry. I have energy throughout the day in classes and when I study at home.
Eating good meals are important for me. I make efforts I eat well. I perform better in the long run taking time to grocery shop, cook, and eating healthy instead of eating unhealthy fast food and getting my food much quicker.
Thur Oct 28
Timing and luck are part of success. If you’re at the right place at the right time, life is good. My first accounting class in Fall ’09 obviously was Financial Acct I. I never knew the basic accounting classes are three quarters. Timing and luck were in my favor. I took Financial Acct I in Fall ’09, Financial Acct II in Winter ’10, and Managerial Acct in Spring ’10. I completed the basic courses in one year while retaining what I learned carrying forward to the next class without worrying about summer vacation forgetting the concepts.
Cost Acct was another class timing and luck were somewhat in my favor. The timing was in my favor because I learned similar concepts in Managerial Acct and Cost Acct. Luck was not in my favor because the instructor was terrible. Fall ’10 is the best example timing and luck. The three classes interconnect. I learn a concept in one class I apply in another class. I review another concept in one class helps me complete an assignment in another class. For example, I took a mid-term in Excel. The worksheet was completing a trial balance and creating an income statement and balance sheet under a periodic inventory system. I learned periodic inventory system in Integrated Computer Acct. Timing and luck were in my favor.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
I have a better understanding why most students eat out more than they want. The reasons are saving time from cooking and saving money (arguably, eating out is cheaper than eating at home). I ate out for lunch and ate lots of candy bars more often than I want in Spring ’10. The food at home was boring. I was in survival mode especially after Memorial Day weekend. I was one step closer to survival mode today because I have a mid-term on Thur and two mid-terms next week.
Fall ’10 quarter sets how I handle Winter ’11 and Spring ’11. If everything goes well, I earn my AA degree in Accounting at the end of Spring ‘11. I plan to take two classes in Winter and Spring ’11 quarters. I shouldn’t take three classes because I need time for family. I’m more involved in daily routines at home than I should be including cooking and washing dishes. The more time I spend with family, the less time I have for school work. I’m spoiled because I don’t have to take GE classes since I have a bachelors; on the other hand, I can’t attend San Jose State because I already have a bachelors. San Jose State prohibits students who want a second bachelors because of the bad economy and overcrowding. I have no rush graduating De Anza with a AA given my current family situation, no job, and the prolonged recession.
Tue Oct 26
Intermediate Acct and Integrated Computer Acct. classes are behind schedule. What else is new in life? I believe everyone is behind on something. The irony is students who submit their homework and projects late are penalized. Teachers grading homework and mid-terms late and are behind schedule in the syllabus are not penalized. Similarly, sons and daughters who are late doing something are penalized by their parents—at least strict parents; however, if parents are late with something, sons and daughters don’t penalized their parents.
In the real world, sometimes work, projects, and commitments are completed late. There are no repercussions most of the time. I received late commitments at Grubb & Ellis, Colliers, and even Cisco. We do our best to meet our deadlines and commitments. Sometimes we can’t. Fall’10 is the quarter I submitted homework late. I do my best meeting homework deadlines. I have other activities and responsibilities outside school I must complete.
I thought students were lazy submitting assignments late while I was at San Jose State. Now that I think about it, many of those students submitting assignments late were not lazy. They have other commitments such as working and taking care of their family. There is so much we do in today’s information age way of living. The honest people complete their responsibilities and commitments the best and the earliest we can.
Wed Oct 27
Read the textbook, do the homework, and study hard are keys to earn high grades. Another key to earn high grades teachers and counselors fail to advise their students is eat well. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are meals unavoidable. No junk food. No cookies and chips while doing your math. If you need to skip a meal, skip lunch. Breakfast is the most important meal.
I concentrate better when I eat three meals a day. I concentrate in classes when I eat breakfast. I’m in a good mood when I’m not hungry. I have energy throughout the day in classes and when I study at home.
Eating good meals are important for me. I make efforts I eat well. I perform better in the long run taking time to grocery shop, cook, and eating healthy instead of eating unhealthy fast food and getting my food much quicker.
Thur Oct 28
Timing and luck are part of success. If you’re at the right place at the right time, life is good. My first accounting class in Fall ’09 obviously was Financial Acct I. I never knew the basic accounting classes are three quarters. Timing and luck were in my favor. I took Financial Acct I in Fall ’09, Financial Acct II in Winter ’10, and Managerial Acct in Spring ’10. I completed the basic courses in one year while retaining what I learned carrying forward to the next class without worrying about summer vacation forgetting the concepts.
Cost Acct was another class timing and luck were somewhat in my favor. The timing was in my favor because I learned similar concepts in Managerial Acct and Cost Acct. Luck was not in my favor because the instructor was terrible. Fall ’10 is the best example timing and luck. The three classes interconnect. I learn a concept in one class I apply in another class. I review another concept in one class helps me complete an assignment in another class. For example, I took a mid-term in Excel. The worksheet was completing a trial balance and creating an income statement and balance sheet under a periodic inventory system. I learned periodic inventory system in Integrated Computer Acct. Timing and luck were in my favor.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Monday, October 25, 2010
De Anza Week Oct 18, 2010
Mon Oct 18
The harsh days of college life spread throughout campus. I overheard many students saying they’re getting less sleep. Many students were doing homework and studying whenever they have free time. I saw students studying everywhere including the campus center and outside the library.
There was a get-together for Integrated Computer Acct at 10:30am inside the campus center. Everyone was late. I arrived at 10:45am without eating breakfast. I had trouble waking up. We looked at our Hilton project. Everything looked good. Some of us have minor mistakes easily correctable. One of us didn’t show up. We agreed the project was not difficult. The problem was the project took too long to complete and we had to learn the periodic inventory system. Most of us are taking Intermediate Acct. We agreed priority goes to Intermediate Acct.
I walked together with my Intermediate Acct classmates. We talked about the Chapter 4 being long and difficult. We sat down in our seats. A representative from a CPA test preparation company talked about their services. After the presentation, I talked to another classmate about the CPA test. Then our conversation went to our last jobs. I found out he has an aerospace engineering degree from San Jose State. His contract was terminated when his company didn’t get a government renewal. I told him about my Cisco job. He wants to be a CPA.
Today’s lecture was long and difficult to understand. I barely understood the key points. Reading Chapter 5 during the lectured helped me barely understood. The professor said Chapter 5 is the hardest so far. I agree. Tonight I start reading Chapter 5.
The dancing assistant taught tonight’s dance class. The instructor rehearsed her performance in Downtown San Jose taking place on Thur and Fri night. The assistant tried her best reviewing the Rumba and the East Coast Swing. There was no connection between her and the students. Most of the students were frustrated. I was in and out myself. Tonight’s class was a class to forget. We pick it up next week.
Tue Oct 19
The fatigue continued in the morning. I forced myself up at 8am and I successfully ate breakfast. I was five minutes late to Excel that was an improvement from last week. I wanted to attend class to hear special announcements for future assignments and the mid-term. I finished the homework due Thur.
Integrated Computer Acct class was cancelled. Almost everyone was prepared to submit the Hilton project. One student went to her office after 20 minutes. She was not there. Another student went to her office after 25 minutes. She was still not there. A third student went to the business department office. He came back and told everyone another faculty tells us with information. At the 45th minute, my Intermediate Acct professor told everyone the worrisome news: nobody knows where she is. The professor called her cell phone twice. He left two voice messages. The students were concerned because she’s very detailed and it’s strange she failed to inform anyone if she was sick. We see what happens on Thur. Fortunately the students who didn’t finish the Hilton project have two more days.
Wed Oct 20
Speaking of cancelled classes, my Intermediate Acct class was let out early. The instructor had a family emergency. The timing was bad because Chapter 5 is challenging. I don’t understand the chapter. Today’s partial lecture helped a little. I talked to two students after class. We talked about the Integrated Computer Acct instructor. We learned she didn’t come to campus today. And we learned about her personal life including a divorce two years ago.
Thur Oct 21
The instructor discussed the mid-term Thur Oct 28. There were a few students worrying about the mid-term. The instructor assured us if we did well on the homework, we do well on the mid-term. The rest of the class we reviewed the homework due today. My last homework score I misunderstood two questions and I got a lower score.
I worked on next week’s homework assignment in the computer lab after class. The assignment looked tough because it involved depreciation. I learned depreciation in Acct 1B. I brought my Acct 1A textbook. I said to myself, “Let’s do as much as I can.” I almost finished it to my surprise. I used the internet to review my depreciation concepts. I finish the homework assignment next Tue.
I received information the Integrated Computer instructor is holding class today. We turned in our Hilton project and Chap 4 homework. The instructor delayed Comprehensive Problem I to Tue. She admitted she made a mistake on the course assignment sheet. Some of us think that was her only mistake in the quarter. Tuesday’s homework due is Chap 5 and Comprehensive Problem I.
My studying plans this weekend is Intermediate Chap 5. I finish Integrated Chap 5 Mon night and the Excel homework Tues morning. I have one class to worry about this weekend; however, I have other activities I do outside school.
The DVD movie for the weekend is Vertigo starring James Stewart and Kim Novak.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
The harsh days of college life spread throughout campus. I overheard many students saying they’re getting less sleep. Many students were doing homework and studying whenever they have free time. I saw students studying everywhere including the campus center and outside the library.
There was a get-together for Integrated Computer Acct at 10:30am inside the campus center. Everyone was late. I arrived at 10:45am without eating breakfast. I had trouble waking up. We looked at our Hilton project. Everything looked good. Some of us have minor mistakes easily correctable. One of us didn’t show up. We agreed the project was not difficult. The problem was the project took too long to complete and we had to learn the periodic inventory system. Most of us are taking Intermediate Acct. We agreed priority goes to Intermediate Acct.
I walked together with my Intermediate Acct classmates. We talked about the Chapter 4 being long and difficult. We sat down in our seats. A representative from a CPA test preparation company talked about their services. After the presentation, I talked to another classmate about the CPA test. Then our conversation went to our last jobs. I found out he has an aerospace engineering degree from San Jose State. His contract was terminated when his company didn’t get a government renewal. I told him about my Cisco job. He wants to be a CPA.
Today’s lecture was long and difficult to understand. I barely understood the key points. Reading Chapter 5 during the lectured helped me barely understood. The professor said Chapter 5 is the hardest so far. I agree. Tonight I start reading Chapter 5.
The dancing assistant taught tonight’s dance class. The instructor rehearsed her performance in Downtown San Jose taking place on Thur and Fri night. The assistant tried her best reviewing the Rumba and the East Coast Swing. There was no connection between her and the students. Most of the students were frustrated. I was in and out myself. Tonight’s class was a class to forget. We pick it up next week.
Tue Oct 19
The fatigue continued in the morning. I forced myself up at 8am and I successfully ate breakfast. I was five minutes late to Excel that was an improvement from last week. I wanted to attend class to hear special announcements for future assignments and the mid-term. I finished the homework due Thur.
Integrated Computer Acct class was cancelled. Almost everyone was prepared to submit the Hilton project. One student went to her office after 20 minutes. She was not there. Another student went to her office after 25 minutes. She was still not there. A third student went to the business department office. He came back and told everyone another faculty tells us with information. At the 45th minute, my Intermediate Acct professor told everyone the worrisome news: nobody knows where she is. The professor called her cell phone twice. He left two voice messages. The students were concerned because she’s very detailed and it’s strange she failed to inform anyone if she was sick. We see what happens on Thur. Fortunately the students who didn’t finish the Hilton project have two more days.
Wed Oct 20
Speaking of cancelled classes, my Intermediate Acct class was let out early. The instructor had a family emergency. The timing was bad because Chapter 5 is challenging. I don’t understand the chapter. Today’s partial lecture helped a little. I talked to two students after class. We talked about the Integrated Computer Acct instructor. We learned she didn’t come to campus today. And we learned about her personal life including a divorce two years ago.
Thur Oct 21
The instructor discussed the mid-term Thur Oct 28. There were a few students worrying about the mid-term. The instructor assured us if we did well on the homework, we do well on the mid-term. The rest of the class we reviewed the homework due today. My last homework score I misunderstood two questions and I got a lower score.
I worked on next week’s homework assignment in the computer lab after class. The assignment looked tough because it involved depreciation. I learned depreciation in Acct 1B. I brought my Acct 1A textbook. I said to myself, “Let’s do as much as I can.” I almost finished it to my surprise. I used the internet to review my depreciation concepts. I finish the homework assignment next Tue.
I received information the Integrated Computer instructor is holding class today. We turned in our Hilton project and Chap 4 homework. The instructor delayed Comprehensive Problem I to Tue. She admitted she made a mistake on the course assignment sheet. Some of us think that was her only mistake in the quarter. Tuesday’s homework due is Chap 5 and Comprehensive Problem I.
My studying plans this weekend is Intermediate Chap 5. I finish Integrated Chap 5 Mon night and the Excel homework Tues morning. I have one class to worry about this weekend; however, I have other activities I do outside school.
The DVD movie for the weekend is Vertigo starring James Stewart and Kim Novak.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Life Is Different
We know many short sentences talking about life: Life is good, life is short, life is hard, life is all about timing, life is living the moment, and I have no life so get a life. There are many more short life quotes and beliefs.
I never heard anyone saying, “Life is different.” I’m the first person to say it to myself. I believe variety is the spice of life—life is different. I want to live life differently every day. I remember working at Cisco my life was the same for most working days and many weekends. I failed to add differences, add varieties, add something new. I started working at Cisco in March 2007 that was good. Ironically, 2007 was the worse year in my life. Life remained the same for most of 2008. I continued failing to add differences, add varieties, add something new. On Oct 4, 2008, I made significant changes in my life. It was time for a change. It was time for differences.
Life is good when it’s different. I create small differences such as driving home different streets from school, eating new foods, eating left handed, and listening to different music when I study. I seek new hobbies to spend my time; for example, I started to hike in 2009 and I’m taking ice skating lessons. I eat different foods for breakfast. I used to eat the same cereal everyday. Boring. Meet new people and make new friends. Spend time with different groups of friends.
Every day I find something different. Sometimes I succeed. Sometimes I don’t succeed. Keep thinking and doing different activities, tasks, and routines. You have a life full of variety.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
I never heard anyone saying, “Life is different.” I’m the first person to say it to myself. I believe variety is the spice of life—life is different. I want to live life differently every day. I remember working at Cisco my life was the same for most working days and many weekends. I failed to add differences, add varieties, add something new. I started working at Cisco in March 2007 that was good. Ironically, 2007 was the worse year in my life. Life remained the same for most of 2008. I continued failing to add differences, add varieties, add something new. On Oct 4, 2008, I made significant changes in my life. It was time for a change. It was time for differences.
Life is good when it’s different. I create small differences such as driving home different streets from school, eating new foods, eating left handed, and listening to different music when I study. I seek new hobbies to spend my time; for example, I started to hike in 2009 and I’m taking ice skating lessons. I eat different foods for breakfast. I used to eat the same cereal everyday. Boring. Meet new people and make new friends. Spend time with different groups of friends.
Every day I find something different. Sometimes I succeed. Sometimes I don’t succeed. Keep thinking and doing different activities, tasks, and routines. You have a life full of variety.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Sunday, October 17, 2010
De Anza Week Oct 11, 2010
Mon Oct 11
Today’s Intermediate Acct lecture was the best lecture. I planned to read Chap 4 while the professor lectured. He said many good concepts and a few stories I had to listen. I read ten pages. I looked ahead at Chap 4. It’s very long.
The professor passed back Chap 1 and Chap 2 quizzes. He checked off everyone’s work. Everyone got credit. I set myself where I have ten pages remaining in Chap 4 to finish reading on Wed’s class meeting.
We learned the East Coast Swing in dance class. There was no Rumba lesson. I was surprised. We learned the basic with double hand hold instead of the traditional basic frame and the cuddle. I chatted with a few students after class.
Tue Oct 12
I slept for five hours last night continuing the Hilton project in Integrated Acct. I got a matching trial balance. That’s good news. I ate a bowl of cereal only and rush out of the house.
I arrived late in Excel class. I missed nothing. I already completed the homework due Thur. I went to the computer lab after Excel to continue working on the Hilton project. I started adding the adjusting entries.
Most of the time in Integrated Acct. was spent asking questions on the Hilton project. There were lots of good questions I realized I made errors. I compared my trial balance with another student. I noted the student’s trial balance number. I attempted to match the number when I continued working at home.
I remembered that we’re all human minutes before class ended. Almost everyone in the class struggled with the Hilton project. Nobody’s perfect. Nobody’s has God like intelligence. Everyone has priorities outside college. Many of us truly do the best we can. We don’t want to fail. There were students who didn’t start on the project yet. The reasons are legitimate: work, other classes, family to take care of, etc. We do our best in what we do. Missing a homework assignment or getting a B on a mid-term is not the end of the world. This was a lesson I failed to learn at San Jose State.
I re-journalized my mistakes in the Hilton project at home. My trial balance was $1,500 below the other student’s trial balance. I stopped there because I have my Intermediate Acct class and I needed to cook dinner. A few students and I meet Thur after class to compare our Hilton project numbers.
Wed Oct 13
The Flint Center parking garage has been beneficial for me. There is more parking spaces, easier to exit the campus, and closer to the computer lab. I parked at Flint because I needed to print my Integrated Acct. homework after Intermediate Acct.
Today was another good day in Intermediate such that I didn’t finish reading Chap 4. We had a short quiz that was actually like a mid-term. The questions were long. A student and I talked about the quiz saying the quiz gave us an idea what the first mid-term is going to be. All of the students who didn’t finish Chapter 3 and 4 couldn’t finish the quiz which was almost all the students. The professor reviewed the entire quiz. He said the quiz was a “wake up call.” It was a wake up call. I’m behind in the reading and the homework. There is lots of material.
I printed my Integrated Acct. homework after Intermediate Acct. I also emailed my Excel homework and downloaded the latest PowerPoint files from Intermediate Acct. The PowerPoint slides have been useless for me.
Dance class was another surprise. We reviewed the Cha Cha Cha. I corrected a technique mistake. I improved my leading techniques using my right hand on the follower’s shoulder blade and my left hand to push forward to signal my partner to move. After Cha Cha Cha, we learned Salsa. Salsa?!? Salsa is my worse dance. The reason we learned Salsa is Mikey the Salsa instructor is guest teaching next week. I have no concern because today was the last Wed I attend. I may attend a future Wed if I have time.
Thur Oct 14
There was a smaller turnout in Excel class. That was a mistake for those who missed. The instructor discussed the first project and the mid-term. We reviewed the homework from last week and previewed next week’s homework.
The instructor lectured in periodic inventory system in Integrated Computer Acct. I believed the lecture helped most of the students. It helped me big time for the Hilton project.
I worked with three classmates on the Hilton project after class. We checked the journal entries and adjusting entries. The key was 100% accuracy on the journal entries and adjusting entries. The rest is arithmetic and writing financial statements. We worked in the library; unfortunately, we got kicked out because we were talking softly. Talking softly was okay. The library didn’t want continuous talking softly. We walked out and choose to work in the Campus Center.
It took us one hour to check our journal entries. One of us had to leave to work. The three of us stayed for another hour. I needed to eat lunch. I wanted to eat Chinese because I hated the cafeteria. The Chinese stand was closed. I had no choice. I walked to the grill to order burger and fries. I was impressed. De Anza cafeteria improved their burgers. It was a big burger, not a slim patty. I got less fries and paid more compared to last quarter. That was okay. The burger tasted better and filled me up. My two classmates checked their adjusted entries while I ate.
We walked to the computer lab to check the unadjusted trial balance. I corrected my journal entries and recalculated the unadjusted trial balance and adjustments in Excel. We compared both numbers to another student. Our numbers matched. Excellent! Today was the first time I met that student. I never had an accounting class with her in the past. I was told she is a very smart person.
BTW, the Hilton project is all handwritten work. There is no Excel. I’m cheating. I calculate on Excel and write the journals, ledgers, trial balances, and financial statements in hand afterwards.
My weekend movie is One Few Over the Cuckkoo’s Nest starring Jack Nicholson.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Today’s Intermediate Acct lecture was the best lecture. I planned to read Chap 4 while the professor lectured. He said many good concepts and a few stories I had to listen. I read ten pages. I looked ahead at Chap 4. It’s very long.
The professor passed back Chap 1 and Chap 2 quizzes. He checked off everyone’s work. Everyone got credit. I set myself where I have ten pages remaining in Chap 4 to finish reading on Wed’s class meeting.
We learned the East Coast Swing in dance class. There was no Rumba lesson. I was surprised. We learned the basic with double hand hold instead of the traditional basic frame and the cuddle. I chatted with a few students after class.
Tue Oct 12
I slept for five hours last night continuing the Hilton project in Integrated Acct. I got a matching trial balance. That’s good news. I ate a bowl of cereal only and rush out of the house.
I arrived late in Excel class. I missed nothing. I already completed the homework due Thur. I went to the computer lab after Excel to continue working on the Hilton project. I started adding the adjusting entries.
Most of the time in Integrated Acct. was spent asking questions on the Hilton project. There were lots of good questions I realized I made errors. I compared my trial balance with another student. I noted the student’s trial balance number. I attempted to match the number when I continued working at home.
I remembered that we’re all human minutes before class ended. Almost everyone in the class struggled with the Hilton project. Nobody’s perfect. Nobody’s has God like intelligence. Everyone has priorities outside college. Many of us truly do the best we can. We don’t want to fail. There were students who didn’t start on the project yet. The reasons are legitimate: work, other classes, family to take care of, etc. We do our best in what we do. Missing a homework assignment or getting a B on a mid-term is not the end of the world. This was a lesson I failed to learn at San Jose State.
I re-journalized my mistakes in the Hilton project at home. My trial balance was $1,500 below the other student’s trial balance. I stopped there because I have my Intermediate Acct class and I needed to cook dinner. A few students and I meet Thur after class to compare our Hilton project numbers.
Wed Oct 13
The Flint Center parking garage has been beneficial for me. There is more parking spaces, easier to exit the campus, and closer to the computer lab. I parked at Flint because I needed to print my Integrated Acct. homework after Intermediate Acct.
Today was another good day in Intermediate such that I didn’t finish reading Chap 4. We had a short quiz that was actually like a mid-term. The questions were long. A student and I talked about the quiz saying the quiz gave us an idea what the first mid-term is going to be. All of the students who didn’t finish Chapter 3 and 4 couldn’t finish the quiz which was almost all the students. The professor reviewed the entire quiz. He said the quiz was a “wake up call.” It was a wake up call. I’m behind in the reading and the homework. There is lots of material.
I printed my Integrated Acct. homework after Intermediate Acct. I also emailed my Excel homework and downloaded the latest PowerPoint files from Intermediate Acct. The PowerPoint slides have been useless for me.
Dance class was another surprise. We reviewed the Cha Cha Cha. I corrected a technique mistake. I improved my leading techniques using my right hand on the follower’s shoulder blade and my left hand to push forward to signal my partner to move. After Cha Cha Cha, we learned Salsa. Salsa?!? Salsa is my worse dance. The reason we learned Salsa is Mikey the Salsa instructor is guest teaching next week. I have no concern because today was the last Wed I attend. I may attend a future Wed if I have time.
Thur Oct 14
There was a smaller turnout in Excel class. That was a mistake for those who missed. The instructor discussed the first project and the mid-term. We reviewed the homework from last week and previewed next week’s homework.
The instructor lectured in periodic inventory system in Integrated Computer Acct. I believed the lecture helped most of the students. It helped me big time for the Hilton project.
I worked with three classmates on the Hilton project after class. We checked the journal entries and adjusting entries. The key was 100% accuracy on the journal entries and adjusting entries. The rest is arithmetic and writing financial statements. We worked in the library; unfortunately, we got kicked out because we were talking softly. Talking softly was okay. The library didn’t want continuous talking softly. We walked out and choose to work in the Campus Center.
It took us one hour to check our journal entries. One of us had to leave to work. The three of us stayed for another hour. I needed to eat lunch. I wanted to eat Chinese because I hated the cafeteria. The Chinese stand was closed. I had no choice. I walked to the grill to order burger and fries. I was impressed. De Anza cafeteria improved their burgers. It was a big burger, not a slim patty. I got less fries and paid more compared to last quarter. That was okay. The burger tasted better and filled me up. My two classmates checked their adjusted entries while I ate.
We walked to the computer lab to check the unadjusted trial balance. I corrected my journal entries and recalculated the unadjusted trial balance and adjustments in Excel. We compared both numbers to another student. Our numbers matched. Excellent! Today was the first time I met that student. I never had an accounting class with her in the past. I was told she is a very smart person.
BTW, the Hilton project is all handwritten work. There is no Excel. I’m cheating. I calculate on Excel and write the journals, ledgers, trial balances, and financial statements in hand afterwards.
My weekend movie is One Few Over the Cuckkoo’s Nest starring Jack Nicholson.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, October 15, 2010
Another Lesson I Learned From My Grandparents
My grandparents on both parent’s side lived a simple life. There were no complications. They gardened, cooked, made sure their homes were cleaned and tight, and watched television. They rarely traveled. They took good care of themselves up to the point where health problems took a toll.
My grandfathers and grandmothers are deceased. I realized recently there was another commonality. They had very few friends. Almost all of the time they spent with other people was with family. I don’t recall seeing my grandparents having friends visit their homes. I don’t remember pictures of my grandparents with their friends in their photo albums. I’m sure they had a few people outside family. I don’t recall them socializing outside family events.
I want to live my old years with friends. I don’t want to be 100% dependent on family. People with friends live longer. I can’t imagine my old years living alone. I want to spend that time with friends. I want to one of those old people who travel in groups to Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, or to movie theaters.
Those who read my blogs continuously, and they’re very few out there, one of my themes is always meet new people and make new friends. My grandparents failed to meet new people and make new friends even in their old age. People come and go in our lives. It’s important to be surrounded with people.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
My grandfathers and grandmothers are deceased. I realized recently there was another commonality. They had very few friends. Almost all of the time they spent with other people was with family. I don’t recall seeing my grandparents having friends visit their homes. I don’t remember pictures of my grandparents with their friends in their photo albums. I’m sure they had a few people outside family. I don’t recall them socializing outside family events.
I want to live my old years with friends. I don’t want to be 100% dependent on family. People with friends live longer. I can’t imagine my old years living alone. I want to spend that time with friends. I want to one of those old people who travel in groups to Las Vegas, the Grand Canyon, or to movie theaters.
Those who read my blogs continuously, and they’re very few out there, one of my themes is always meet new people and make new friends. My grandparents failed to meet new people and make new friends even in their old age. People come and go in our lives. It’s important to be surrounded with people.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Saturday, October 09, 2010
De Anza Week Oct 4, 2010
Mon Oct 4
Intermediate Acct was cancelled today. The professor attended a conference in UCLA. I took the time to catch up on personal errands. I received a call from my family dentist telling me I have a dentist appointment tomorrow at 10am. Obviously I can’t make it because I have Excel class. I made the mistake misreading the appointment card. I thought it was Oct 15, not Oct 5. Fortunately, there was an opening later in the day. I took advantage and visited the dentist. No cavities. I went to Costco afterwards to buy groceries.
I arrived home running late for my dance class. I ate a small snack before leaving to dance. The dance class was calmer. I think I was the biggest factor as I, too, calmed down. We continued learning the Rumba adding more moves to the chorography. It was fun tonight. The instructor made successful changes from past classes how she teaches the class including free for all switching partners because there are a few who don’t want to switch partners. Those who don’t switch partners are dancing poorly or have no interest. Overall, everyone seems to learn at a faster rate compared to past classes.
Tue Oct 5
I parked at the Stelling parking garage for the first time this quarter. Yay! There were a few spots available just before 9:30am on the second floor. It must be fall quarter since new incoming freshmen from high school begins their college. I park at the open spot when I see it instead of finding a space closer to the exits.
The Excel class we talked about the second homework assignment. I made errors on the first homework assignment. I took the entire class time to fix the errors. After class, I went to the computer lab to work on the second homework assignment. The assignment was bank reconciliation. I was rusty at financial accounting I needed to finish at home. I struggled. I saw one student bring a financial accounting textbook. Great idea. I bring my textbook on Thur.
Today was the last day I bring my laptop. My routine started to settle in. I complete my Excel homework at the computer lab after Excel. I have two hours between Excel and Integrated Acct. Every Tues and Thur I bring my Excel, Integrated Acct, and financial acct textbook.
We were almost finished with reviewing financial acct in Integrated Acct. We were assigned the first class project. The project is doing journal entries, posting to ledgers, and completing trial balances the old fashion way using a pencil.
Wed Oct 6
I continued to settle my routine. In Integrated Acct, we reviewed the take home Chap 2 quiz. The professor continued to lecture off topic. Sometimes it’s interesting and sometimes it’s not interesting. I multi-task listening to the professor lecture and read the textbook. It’s the only way to be productive. I looked at my notes. There was little worth taking my time to study for the first mid-term.
I’m thinking Intermediate Acct parallels my Macroeconomic and Microeconomic analysis classes at San Jose State. The analysis classes were not challenging. Most of the material was the same from Macroeconomic and Microeconomic classes. The difference was the analysis classes expanded the concepts. The three weeks in Intermediate Acct, it 90% review from Financial Acct. Regardless, I don’t take Intermediate Acct for granted thinking it’s a walk in the park. Students told me Intermediate Acct is hard. My attitude taking the class is hard.
I shopped at Kohl’s after class. Today was the last day to use my 30% coupon. I needed new clothes. I had to shop at two Kohl’s. I purchased a new white dress shirt and a pair of pajamas. I wait for the next sale to buy more clothes. Lesson learned, never shop at the last day of a 30% coupon sale. It was the first time I shopped on the last day and purchased some of what I needed instead of everything I needed.
Unfortunately, I was hungry during my shopping. In the future, I must eat something after class when I don’t go home immediately after class. Snacks are okay.
I arrived home with a good amount of time to cook dinner. Time flew fast. I had 30 minutes to eat dinner after cooking. I arrived 15 minutes late to dance class. We finished learning the Cha Cha Cha for the dance demonstration. I was surprised. The Cha Cha Cha chorography routine was simple—maybe for me because I danced the Cha Cha Cha the most. Almost everyone in class got the routine. We need more practice and more refining.
I told some of the students I know personally I’m going to stop attending Wed very soon because the homework is piling up. I try to attend next Wed’s class.
Thur Oct 7
Fatigue was in me last night and the morning. I rushed my breakfast and rushed out of the house. I parked at the Flint Center parking garage because it’s closer to my Excel class and closer to the library to check out a DVD for my weekend movie. I didn’t bring my laptop.
Excel class was boring. Almost everyone was tired in class. A few students started working on the next homework assignment. I went to the computer lab after class to work on the next homework assignment. I brought my financial acct textbook that helped. I finished the homework assignment; although, I’m not confident I get a perfect score because one question I failed to understand completely.
I made an error regarding my Excel instructor is from Boston. She’s actually from New York. I have problems listening to a Boston accent and a New York accent. I might have failed to mention my Excel instructor was my Peachtree instructor. I took Peachtree in Winter ’10.
The instructor assigned the first homework assignment in Integrated Acct. I complete the homework and start on the project this weekend. I make a photocopy of the project and the textbook questions at Kinko’s tomorrow. The instructor wants our questions hand written from the textbook.
I checked out The French Connection starring Gene Hackman at the library.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Intermediate Acct was cancelled today. The professor attended a conference in UCLA. I took the time to catch up on personal errands. I received a call from my family dentist telling me I have a dentist appointment tomorrow at 10am. Obviously I can’t make it because I have Excel class. I made the mistake misreading the appointment card. I thought it was Oct 15, not Oct 5. Fortunately, there was an opening later in the day. I took advantage and visited the dentist. No cavities. I went to Costco afterwards to buy groceries.
I arrived home running late for my dance class. I ate a small snack before leaving to dance. The dance class was calmer. I think I was the biggest factor as I, too, calmed down. We continued learning the Rumba adding more moves to the chorography. It was fun tonight. The instructor made successful changes from past classes how she teaches the class including free for all switching partners because there are a few who don’t want to switch partners. Those who don’t switch partners are dancing poorly or have no interest. Overall, everyone seems to learn at a faster rate compared to past classes.
Tue Oct 5
I parked at the Stelling parking garage for the first time this quarter. Yay! There were a few spots available just before 9:30am on the second floor. It must be fall quarter since new incoming freshmen from high school begins their college. I park at the open spot when I see it instead of finding a space closer to the exits.
The Excel class we talked about the second homework assignment. I made errors on the first homework assignment. I took the entire class time to fix the errors. After class, I went to the computer lab to work on the second homework assignment. The assignment was bank reconciliation. I was rusty at financial accounting I needed to finish at home. I struggled. I saw one student bring a financial accounting textbook. Great idea. I bring my textbook on Thur.
Today was the last day I bring my laptop. My routine started to settle in. I complete my Excel homework at the computer lab after Excel. I have two hours between Excel and Integrated Acct. Every Tues and Thur I bring my Excel, Integrated Acct, and financial acct textbook.
We were almost finished with reviewing financial acct in Integrated Acct. We were assigned the first class project. The project is doing journal entries, posting to ledgers, and completing trial balances the old fashion way using a pencil.
Wed Oct 6
I continued to settle my routine. In Integrated Acct, we reviewed the take home Chap 2 quiz. The professor continued to lecture off topic. Sometimes it’s interesting and sometimes it’s not interesting. I multi-task listening to the professor lecture and read the textbook. It’s the only way to be productive. I looked at my notes. There was little worth taking my time to study for the first mid-term.
I’m thinking Intermediate Acct parallels my Macroeconomic and Microeconomic analysis classes at San Jose State. The analysis classes were not challenging. Most of the material was the same from Macroeconomic and Microeconomic classes. The difference was the analysis classes expanded the concepts. The three weeks in Intermediate Acct, it 90% review from Financial Acct. Regardless, I don’t take Intermediate Acct for granted thinking it’s a walk in the park. Students told me Intermediate Acct is hard. My attitude taking the class is hard.
I shopped at Kohl’s after class. Today was the last day to use my 30% coupon. I needed new clothes. I had to shop at two Kohl’s. I purchased a new white dress shirt and a pair of pajamas. I wait for the next sale to buy more clothes. Lesson learned, never shop at the last day of a 30% coupon sale. It was the first time I shopped on the last day and purchased some of what I needed instead of everything I needed.
Unfortunately, I was hungry during my shopping. In the future, I must eat something after class when I don’t go home immediately after class. Snacks are okay.
I arrived home with a good amount of time to cook dinner. Time flew fast. I had 30 minutes to eat dinner after cooking. I arrived 15 minutes late to dance class. We finished learning the Cha Cha Cha for the dance demonstration. I was surprised. The Cha Cha Cha chorography routine was simple—maybe for me because I danced the Cha Cha Cha the most. Almost everyone in class got the routine. We need more practice and more refining.
I told some of the students I know personally I’m going to stop attending Wed very soon because the homework is piling up. I try to attend next Wed’s class.
Thur Oct 7
Fatigue was in me last night and the morning. I rushed my breakfast and rushed out of the house. I parked at the Flint Center parking garage because it’s closer to my Excel class and closer to the library to check out a DVD for my weekend movie. I didn’t bring my laptop.
Excel class was boring. Almost everyone was tired in class. A few students started working on the next homework assignment. I went to the computer lab after class to work on the next homework assignment. I brought my financial acct textbook that helped. I finished the homework assignment; although, I’m not confident I get a perfect score because one question I failed to understand completely.
I made an error regarding my Excel instructor is from Boston. She’s actually from New York. I have problems listening to a Boston accent and a New York accent. I might have failed to mention my Excel instructor was my Peachtree instructor. I took Peachtree in Winter ’10.
The instructor assigned the first homework assignment in Integrated Acct. I complete the homework and start on the project this weekend. I make a photocopy of the project and the textbook questions at Kinko’s tomorrow. The instructor wants our questions hand written from the textbook.
I checked out The French Connection starring Gene Hackman at the library.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, October 08, 2010
Bruce Lee Is The Man
There is a vendor who sells a variety of goods that appeal to the young adults including jewelry and posters at De Anza College. One of the posters was Bruce Lee that has one of his famous quotes. The poster stated, "Defeat is a state of mind; no one is ever defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality."'
I googled Bruce Lee quotes on Google. There are a few quotes that match my top 30 blogs. Here are some that closely matched my top 30 blogs:
Bruce Lee: “The “moment” has no yesterday or tomorrow. It is not the result of thought and therefore has no time.”
#26: Live the present. Live the moment.
Bruce Lee: Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement. I'm still learning, for learning is boundless.
#04: Continue to live life finding what you want to do.
Bruce Lee: Make at least one definite move daily toward your goal.
#18: Be patient. Never rush.
Bruce Lee: Emptiness the starting point: In order to taste my cup of water you must first empty your cup. My friend, drop all your preconceived and fixed ideas and be neutral. Do you know why this cup is useful? Because it is empty.
#5: [Observe people who they are and not what we think they are.]
Bruce Lee: Don't fear failure: Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.
#6: Remember to learn from you failures as well as your successes.
Bruce Lee:To grow, to discover, we need involvement which is something I experience everyday, sometimes good, sometimes frustrating.
#23: Fight the pain, the suffering, and the struggles to keep living.
Bruce Lee: Real living is living for others.
#21: Do something to receive something.
Side note: To view my top 30 blogs, click here.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
I googled Bruce Lee quotes on Google. There are a few quotes that match my top 30 blogs. Here are some that closely matched my top 30 blogs:
Bruce Lee: “The “moment” has no yesterday or tomorrow. It is not the result of thought and therefore has no time.”
#26: Live the present. Live the moment.
Bruce Lee: Even today, I dare not say that I have reached a state of achievement. I'm still learning, for learning is boundless.
#04: Continue to live life finding what you want to do.
Bruce Lee: Make at least one definite move daily toward your goal.
#18: Be patient. Never rush.
Bruce Lee: Emptiness the starting point: In order to taste my cup of water you must first empty your cup. My friend, drop all your preconceived and fixed ideas and be neutral. Do you know why this cup is useful? Because it is empty.
#5: [Observe people who they are and not what we think they are.]
Bruce Lee: Don't fear failure: Not failure, but low aim, is the crime. In great attempts it is glorious even to fail.
#6: Remember to learn from you failures as well as your successes.
Bruce Lee:To grow, to discover, we need involvement which is something I experience everyday, sometimes good, sometimes frustrating.
#23: Fight the pain, the suffering, and the struggles to keep living.
Bruce Lee: Real living is living for others.
#21: Do something to receive something.
Side note: To view my top 30 blogs, click here.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, October 01, 2010
De Anza Week Sept 27, 2010
Mon Sep 27
I went to bed at 2am last night. There was so much fun stuff and little things to do. I woke up at 9:30am, very late to get a good parking spot. I arrived at 10:40am. There were plenty of parking spaces on the top floor. I purchased Pop Tarts for breakfast at the bookstore. I want that to be the first and only time for the quarter. I ate outside and I heard the terrible singing student. A couple of student walked passed me saying he has a Facebook fan page. I'm not surprised; however, how did they know about him? They might have saw a flyer or he wore a sign saying he has a Facebook.
It appears Intermediate Acct. may not be as hard as I initially thought; however, I'm not taking it for granted thinking it’s a walk in the park. Today's lecture was continuing Chapter 1. The green sheet says we start on Chapter 2. The professor says he anticipated being behind and was "overzealous" creating the weekly assignments. I read Chapter 2 tonight.
The professor makes an effort to arrive on time. His office hours end at 12:30pm, the start of the class. He announced he change his office hours to give time to arrive on time and to eat lunch. I believe it when I see it. Class ended 15 minutes early.
I got my book for Computer Accounting Systems. I purchased the book from I have all my textbooks.
There were less students in dance class compared to last Mon. We continued learning the Rumba. The men are pretty good this quarter compared to Spring '10. A few people, including myself, were too enthusiastic dancing. The next class meeting I calm down. Laughing too loud and being too enthusiastic are personal concerns I continue to work out controlling. Just calm down.
Tue Sep 28
OK, I want TODAY to be the last time I purchase Pop Tarts for breakfast! I finished reading Chapter 2 and downloaded the homework and lecture notes last night for Intermediate Acct. I tried to wake up at 7:30am getting five hours of sleep that was not enough. I woke up at 8:30am, skipped breakfast, and arrived at De Anza at 9:15am for Excel.
It appears Excel may be easier than I thought; however, I’m not taking it for granted thinking it's actually a walk in the park. The instructor lectured for 15 minutes, then the rest of the class we worked on the homework. I'm 95% done with the homework due Thur. I finished the homework at home because I needed to review my financial accounting books. I ate my Pop Tart after class.
I went to the computer lab to finish the Excel homework. I balanced the balance sheet financial statement. Later, I read my financial acct. books to check my answers. I emailed the completed homework tonight. The Quickbook class came to the computer lab. I choose to catch up on emails at the library as a courtesy.
In Computer Accounting Systems, we continued reviewing financial acct. I was rusty at journal entries and posting to the ledger. A classmate shared a story her friend took Intermediate Acct last year. Her friend walked up to the instructor to ask a question. She walked back to her seat and her book was missing. Someone stole her book. The textbook costs $220 at the bookstore. That's messed up.
I learned there are international editions for my Intermediate Acct and Computer Accounting Systems. Those textbooks are significantly cheaper than the American version. The publishers know how to take advantage the American way.
Wed Sep 29
I arrived at 10am. There were a few parking spots on the third floor at the Flint Center Parking Garage. The fourth floor is the top. I got out of the car, open the trunk, and removed my laptop bag. I felt a heat source on my right. There was a car whose engine was idle. The driver was on his laptop doing something. That's messed up. I don't want to stay there for an extended period of time.
Inside the library I saw a friend who was heading to his class. We chatted briefly. He was taking a class unrelated to his transfer courses because he needed the class to maintain full time status. I was catching up on emails.
We finished Chap 1 in Intermediate Acct. The instructor talked about mafias, lol. We have two take home quizzes due Wed Oct 6. There is no class on Mon Oct 4.
I went to the Wed night dance class. We learned more of the Cha Cha Cha routine. I forgot most of my Cha Cha Cha. I forgot about the pivot turn. Good review. A few students and I chatted after class.
Thur Sep 30
I got a 23 out of 20 for my first Excel homework. I got three points bonus for doing the extra credit problems. The entire class meeting we reviewed the homework and quickly talked about the next homework assignment. I started doing the homework assignment in the computer lab after class. What the hell?!? I almost finished the homework despite being rusty on merchandise financial statements. The balance sheet number matched the book answer. I finish the homework looking up the merchandise chapter in my financial accounting textbook to verify my answers later today.
I purchased another Pop Tart before Computer Accounting class. The reason was I got a stomach ache last night. I ate two pieces of bread for breakfast. The Pop Tart was both my breakfast and early lunch. The line at the convenience store was long. The cashier was slow. I was ten minutes late to class. The good news was I missed nothing. The bad news was someone took my seat. We continued reviewing financial accounting.
I checked out a DVD at the library before going home. I choose The Midnight Cowboy starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman. Looking ahead, Sat night is free and the homework is minimal.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
I went to bed at 2am last night. There was so much fun stuff and little things to do. I woke up at 9:30am, very late to get a good parking spot. I arrived at 10:40am. There were plenty of parking spaces on the top floor. I purchased Pop Tarts for breakfast at the bookstore. I want that to be the first and only time for the quarter. I ate outside and I heard the terrible singing student. A couple of student walked passed me saying he has a Facebook fan page. I'm not surprised; however, how did they know about him? They might have saw a flyer or he wore a sign saying he has a Facebook.
It appears Intermediate Acct. may not be as hard as I initially thought; however, I'm not taking it for granted thinking it’s a walk in the park. Today's lecture was continuing Chapter 1. The green sheet says we start on Chapter 2. The professor says he anticipated being behind and was "overzealous" creating the weekly assignments. I read Chapter 2 tonight.
The professor makes an effort to arrive on time. His office hours end at 12:30pm, the start of the class. He announced he change his office hours to give time to arrive on time and to eat lunch. I believe it when I see it. Class ended 15 minutes early.
I got my book for Computer Accounting Systems. I purchased the book from I have all my textbooks.
There were less students in dance class compared to last Mon. We continued learning the Rumba. The men are pretty good this quarter compared to Spring '10. A few people, including myself, were too enthusiastic dancing. The next class meeting I calm down. Laughing too loud and being too enthusiastic are personal concerns I continue to work out controlling. Just calm down.
Tue Sep 28
OK, I want TODAY to be the last time I purchase Pop Tarts for breakfast! I finished reading Chapter 2 and downloaded the homework and lecture notes last night for Intermediate Acct. I tried to wake up at 7:30am getting five hours of sleep that was not enough. I woke up at 8:30am, skipped breakfast, and arrived at De Anza at 9:15am for Excel.
It appears Excel may be easier than I thought; however, I’m not taking it for granted thinking it's actually a walk in the park. The instructor lectured for 15 minutes, then the rest of the class we worked on the homework. I'm 95% done with the homework due Thur. I finished the homework at home because I needed to review my financial accounting books. I ate my Pop Tart after class.
I went to the computer lab to finish the Excel homework. I balanced the balance sheet financial statement. Later, I read my financial acct. books to check my answers. I emailed the completed homework tonight. The Quickbook class came to the computer lab. I choose to catch up on emails at the library as a courtesy.
In Computer Accounting Systems, we continued reviewing financial acct. I was rusty at journal entries and posting to the ledger. A classmate shared a story her friend took Intermediate Acct last year. Her friend walked up to the instructor to ask a question. She walked back to her seat and her book was missing. Someone stole her book. The textbook costs $220 at the bookstore. That's messed up.
I learned there are international editions for my Intermediate Acct and Computer Accounting Systems. Those textbooks are significantly cheaper than the American version. The publishers know how to take advantage the American way.
Wed Sep 29
I arrived at 10am. There were a few parking spots on the third floor at the Flint Center Parking Garage. The fourth floor is the top. I got out of the car, open the trunk, and removed my laptop bag. I felt a heat source on my right. There was a car whose engine was idle. The driver was on his laptop doing something. That's messed up. I don't want to stay there for an extended period of time.
Inside the library I saw a friend who was heading to his class. We chatted briefly. He was taking a class unrelated to his transfer courses because he needed the class to maintain full time status. I was catching up on emails.
We finished Chap 1 in Intermediate Acct. The instructor talked about mafias, lol. We have two take home quizzes due Wed Oct 6. There is no class on Mon Oct 4.
I went to the Wed night dance class. We learned more of the Cha Cha Cha routine. I forgot most of my Cha Cha Cha. I forgot about the pivot turn. Good review. A few students and I chatted after class.
Thur Sep 30
I got a 23 out of 20 for my first Excel homework. I got three points bonus for doing the extra credit problems. The entire class meeting we reviewed the homework and quickly talked about the next homework assignment. I started doing the homework assignment in the computer lab after class. What the hell?!? I almost finished the homework despite being rusty on merchandise financial statements. The balance sheet number matched the book answer. I finish the homework looking up the merchandise chapter in my financial accounting textbook to verify my answers later today.
I purchased another Pop Tart before Computer Accounting class. The reason was I got a stomach ache last night. I ate two pieces of bread for breakfast. The Pop Tart was both my breakfast and early lunch. The line at the convenience store was long. The cashier was slow. I was ten minutes late to class. The good news was I missed nothing. The bad news was someone took my seat. We continued reviewing financial accounting.
I checked out a DVD at the library before going home. I choose The Midnight Cowboy starring Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman. Looking ahead, Sat night is free and the homework is minimal.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Monday, September 27, 2010
The Learning Pyramid

Last week I started my Fall ’10 quarter. For the many who read my blogs rarely, I have been going back to school since Spring ’09 earning at least an AA degree in Accounting and planning to transfer to a four year college. My classes so far are hit or miss in terms of good or bad instructor and how interesting the class. Almost all of my classes are boring.
Almost all of the classes I took while an undergraduate at San Jose State were not boring. That’s weird. All of my major classes, minor classes, and most GE classes were not boring. Why was I not bored? My answer is being naive. I was a robot—read the material, study, do homework, and take the test. Another answer is I had a boring college life. I spent most of my time studying. I had no college life. I just spend my time reading the books.
My Intermediate Accounting professor handed out a Learning Pyramid sheet on the first day of class. (My instructor has a Ph.D. in Accounting. He’s my first instructor in junior college with a doctrine degree.) I looked at the sheet. There was no surprise. Lecture and Reading, two most common teaching methods in schools, scored a 5% and 10% average retention rate, respectively. I agree with the percentages. Most of my classes and readings are boring. Some instructors believe in group work or students working together in class solving problems. They want to satisfy the 50% Discussion Group rate. Group work rarely works because most of the time students talk about other stuff.
Yesterday, I read and completed the homework for Chapter 1 in Intermediate Accounting. Boring. Just boring. Some of the material was a review from Financial Accounting I. I forgot most of my accounting classes from Fall ’09 to Spring ’10. The homework took a long time to complete. I spread out my time completing the assignments to prevent going to sleep.
I also agree with Practice By Doing at 75% and Teach Others/Immediate Use at 90%. Almost everything I learned at San Jose State was useless at the companies I worked at. I learned everything on the job. On the job training was critical. There was practice by doing and whatever I learned something I used it immediately. I remembered almost everything the next day.
The traditional classroom lecture and reading continue in schools and colleges. I have a better understanding when students at any educational level from grade school to high school to graduate school say their classes are boring. My work experience speaks for itself. People apply and retain what they learn and its exciting learning hands out by doing it and doing it immediately. Teachers who apply Practice By Doing and Immediate Use should be promoted superintendent of their school district or dean of their college.
Finally, why am I bored with most of my classes at De Anza? I can become a robot again, but I’m not. I think back of my work experiences. My on the job training by practice and using it immediately were effective learning compared to my lecture and reading today. I have other activities and many hobbies outside the classrooms. And I realized there are better ways to learn.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Sunday, September 26, 2010
De Anza Week Sept 20, 2010
Mon Sep 20
Take it or leave it. That's the attitude and, perhaps, the lesson for the quarter. The lesson came early. The classes I'm taking are offered once or twice a year and not throughout the year. The classes are Intermediate Accounting Part I, Computer Accounting Systems, and Excel. Excel is a requirement. I was told the class is easy. I believe business students can learn on their own. They should know basic accounting after their freshmen year.
Fall '10 is the first quarter I attend De Anza Mon-Thur. The good news is my classes are spread out. Winter '10 and Spring '10 I stayed on campus between classes for extended periods of time. This quarter I have a two hour break between Excel and Computer Accounting Systems. I use the time to complete my Excel homework.
I arrived at 10:30am to get a parking space. I parked at the Flint Center Parking Garage because it's the biggest garage. There were few parking spaces. Intermediate Accounting is today at 12:30pm. I went to the library to watch anime on my laptop.
I was thirsty. I walked to the express store to buy bottle water. The line was too long. I went to Intermediate Accounting class. The class was full as expected because it's offered once or twice a year and there's one section. I saw a few students from past accounting classes. The instructor didn't have add codes for waitlisted students. Scary. The instructor warned he may not add students. One of the students said it's a scare tactic to weed out some students. That's experience talking.
The instructor is my first time with a Ph.D. All of my other instructors has a masters degree. He warned us he has back problems so there may be a chance of cancelled classes. He also teaches at Santa Clara University. This professor is a passionate accounting professor.
I go home after class because the time between Intermediate Accounting and Social Dance is almost five hours. Today I did errands going to Target, JC Penny, and Costco.
There were lots of new students at Social Dance. There were very few returning students. The showcase dance for Mon's class is the Rumba. Really?!? I expected Nite Club Two Step because the instructor was consistent Mon's class was Nite Club Two Step or another smooth dance. I'm glad for the change. I review my Rumba notes to remind myself how to dance it.
Tue Sep 21
Excel and Computer Accounting Systems are the classes for Tue and Thur. Excel is 9:30am and Computer Accounting is 12:30pm. I arrived at the Flint Center Parking Garage at 9:00am. There were plenty of parking spaces. I make a note tomorrow I can arrive before 9:30am.
The instructor for Excel is the same instructor for my Peachtree class. I expected Excel to be self pace like Peachtree. I was wrong. There is lecture class and there is a mid-term and final. I asked students I know who took her for Excel. They said it's easy. The class uses Office 2007. I asked the instructor if Office 2003 is okay. She said yes, but she recommends Office 2007. I think about getting Office 2007 for my Gaming PC. I use the computer lab in the meantime. I forgot to bring my USB memory stick. I copy the class Excel files on Thur.
I went to the library because I have two hours between Excel and Computer Accounting Systems. I watched anime and browsed the web briefly. I exited the library at 12:15pm.
The instructor for Computer Accounting Systems is the same instructor who taught Intermediate Accounting last year. She was terrible. I have no choice. It's confirmed the instructor is teaching Computer Accounting this year. Take it or leave it. On the other hand, I have a better instructor for Intermediate Accounting; however, one student in Computer Accounting told me she took my Intermediate Accounting instructor for Financial Accounting. Everything she said is true that happened yesterday including arriving late, losing focus, and told the class his daughter with a chronic illness.
Computer Accounting Systems has open seats. Everyone who wanted to add was successful. I exchanged contact information from three classmates for assistance and the upcoming group project. The first two weeks we review financial accounting. There is no homework. The textbook is required on the third week.
Wed Sep 22
I arrived at 9:50am at the Flint Center Parking Garage. The number of students on campus was smaller than Mon. I spent my morning at the library watching anime on my laptop.
The number of students in Intermediate Accounting was smaller than Mon. The instructor added all the students who were on the wait list. I talked to a student who took him for Financial Accounting. She said the instructor comes late and dismisses the class early. He did both on the first day and today. Overall he was okay. I take him than my instructor for Computer Accounting Systems.
The Wed night dance class the featured dance is the Cha Cha Cha. Really?!? I expected a different dance. There were a few regulars who showed up and a few I recognize by face only. I attend at least two more weeks to see whether I attend dance Mon, Wed, or both.
I calculated the number of hours out of the house for Spring '10 and Fall '10. If I attend both Mon and Wed dance class this quarter, I spend an additional two hours out of the house. I could use the two hours to workout at the gym. We see what happens. If my Intermediate Acct and Computer Acct Systems are unstressful, I attend both Mon and Wed dance classes.
Thur Sep 23
I walked straight to Excel after arriving at 9:10am. There were plenty of parking spaces. The crowd has been smaller since Mon of course with classes being closed. I expect normal attendance and crowds starting on the third week.
I copied the Excel classroom files on my USB memory drive before class started. My Excel instructor has a Boston accent. She talks fast. I see the frustration from some students. We started working on the first homework assignment.
After class, I went to the library to begin catching up on emails. Finally, Computer Accounting Systems, the last class of the week. We continued reviewing basic financial accounting or concepts taught in Accounting 1A. The review was good.
One of my classmates took Computer Accounting Systems from another college. He said the class is easy. He has a point. I looked at the textbook at the bookstore. It's easy. Also, a friend took a similar class for his major. It's easy. I believe the unchallenging course content made the instructor added additional projects including the group presentation final. This class is interesting.
I came home and two of my three books arrived by mail. I purchased my Intermediate Accounting in a loose leaf format from Amazon. I purchased my Excel from I'm fortunate my seller lived locally and was delivered personally.
The first week felt long. I establish my routine beginning on the third week. I continue to arrive early for parking and park at Flint Center parking garage next week. This weekend I begin Chapter 1 for Intermediate. The professor said Chap 1 is a long chapter. I anticipate spending lots of time reading the chapter and doing the homework including going back to my Acct 1A textbook.
Fall '10 is the first time I don't have a class in L74. L74 treated me well with high scores and high grades. L74 reminded me of SJSU's Dudley Moorhead Hall Room 357. I always got an A grade.
Fall '10 is the first time I have classes Mon-Thur. The blog procedure is the same. I create one blog a week separating each day.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Take it or leave it. That's the attitude and, perhaps, the lesson for the quarter. The lesson came early. The classes I'm taking are offered once or twice a year and not throughout the year. The classes are Intermediate Accounting Part I, Computer Accounting Systems, and Excel. Excel is a requirement. I was told the class is easy. I believe business students can learn on their own. They should know basic accounting after their freshmen year.
Fall '10 is the first quarter I attend De Anza Mon-Thur. The good news is my classes are spread out. Winter '10 and Spring '10 I stayed on campus between classes for extended periods of time. This quarter I have a two hour break between Excel and Computer Accounting Systems. I use the time to complete my Excel homework.
I arrived at 10:30am to get a parking space. I parked at the Flint Center Parking Garage because it's the biggest garage. There were few parking spaces. Intermediate Accounting is today at 12:30pm. I went to the library to watch anime on my laptop.
I was thirsty. I walked to the express store to buy bottle water. The line was too long. I went to Intermediate Accounting class. The class was full as expected because it's offered once or twice a year and there's one section. I saw a few students from past accounting classes. The instructor didn't have add codes for waitlisted students. Scary. The instructor warned he may not add students. One of the students said it's a scare tactic to weed out some students. That's experience talking.
The instructor is my first time with a Ph.D. All of my other instructors has a masters degree. He warned us he has back problems so there may be a chance of cancelled classes. He also teaches at Santa Clara University. This professor is a passionate accounting professor.
I go home after class because the time between Intermediate Accounting and Social Dance is almost five hours. Today I did errands going to Target, JC Penny, and Costco.
There were lots of new students at Social Dance. There were very few returning students. The showcase dance for Mon's class is the Rumba. Really?!? I expected Nite Club Two Step because the instructor was consistent Mon's class was Nite Club Two Step or another smooth dance. I'm glad for the change. I review my Rumba notes to remind myself how to dance it.
Tue Sep 21
Excel and Computer Accounting Systems are the classes for Tue and Thur. Excel is 9:30am and Computer Accounting is 12:30pm. I arrived at the Flint Center Parking Garage at 9:00am. There were plenty of parking spaces. I make a note tomorrow I can arrive before 9:30am.
The instructor for Excel is the same instructor for my Peachtree class. I expected Excel to be self pace like Peachtree. I was wrong. There is lecture class and there is a mid-term and final. I asked students I know who took her for Excel. They said it's easy. The class uses Office 2007. I asked the instructor if Office 2003 is okay. She said yes, but she recommends Office 2007. I think about getting Office 2007 for my Gaming PC. I use the computer lab in the meantime. I forgot to bring my USB memory stick. I copy the class Excel files on Thur.
I went to the library because I have two hours between Excel and Computer Accounting Systems. I watched anime and browsed the web briefly. I exited the library at 12:15pm.
The instructor for Computer Accounting Systems is the same instructor who taught Intermediate Accounting last year. She was terrible. I have no choice. It's confirmed the instructor is teaching Computer Accounting this year. Take it or leave it. On the other hand, I have a better instructor for Intermediate Accounting; however, one student in Computer Accounting told me she took my Intermediate Accounting instructor for Financial Accounting. Everything she said is true that happened yesterday including arriving late, losing focus, and told the class his daughter with a chronic illness.
Computer Accounting Systems has open seats. Everyone who wanted to add was successful. I exchanged contact information from three classmates for assistance and the upcoming group project. The first two weeks we review financial accounting. There is no homework. The textbook is required on the third week.
Wed Sep 22
I arrived at 9:50am at the Flint Center Parking Garage. The number of students on campus was smaller than Mon. I spent my morning at the library watching anime on my laptop.
The number of students in Intermediate Accounting was smaller than Mon. The instructor added all the students who were on the wait list. I talked to a student who took him for Financial Accounting. She said the instructor comes late and dismisses the class early. He did both on the first day and today. Overall he was okay. I take him than my instructor for Computer Accounting Systems.
The Wed night dance class the featured dance is the Cha Cha Cha. Really?!? I expected a different dance. There were a few regulars who showed up and a few I recognize by face only. I attend at least two more weeks to see whether I attend dance Mon, Wed, or both.
I calculated the number of hours out of the house for Spring '10 and Fall '10. If I attend both Mon and Wed dance class this quarter, I spend an additional two hours out of the house. I could use the two hours to workout at the gym. We see what happens. If my Intermediate Acct and Computer Acct Systems are unstressful, I attend both Mon and Wed dance classes.
Thur Sep 23
I walked straight to Excel after arriving at 9:10am. There were plenty of parking spaces. The crowd has been smaller since Mon of course with classes being closed. I expect normal attendance and crowds starting on the third week.
I copied the Excel classroom files on my USB memory drive before class started. My Excel instructor has a Boston accent. She talks fast. I see the frustration from some students. We started working on the first homework assignment.
After class, I went to the library to begin catching up on emails. Finally, Computer Accounting Systems, the last class of the week. We continued reviewing basic financial accounting or concepts taught in Accounting 1A. The review was good.
One of my classmates took Computer Accounting Systems from another college. He said the class is easy. He has a point. I looked at the textbook at the bookstore. It's easy. Also, a friend took a similar class for his major. It's easy. I believe the unchallenging course content made the instructor added additional projects including the group presentation final. This class is interesting.
I came home and two of my three books arrived by mail. I purchased my Intermediate Accounting in a loose leaf format from Amazon. I purchased my Excel from I'm fortunate my seller lived locally and was delivered personally.
The first week felt long. I establish my routine beginning on the third week. I continue to arrive early for parking and park at Flint Center parking garage next week. This weekend I begin Chapter 1 for Intermediate. The professor said Chap 1 is a long chapter. I anticipate spending lots of time reading the chapter and doing the homework including going back to my Acct 1A textbook.
Fall '10 is the first time I don't have a class in L74. L74 treated me well with high scores and high grades. L74 reminded me of SJSU's Dudley Moorhead Hall Room 357. I always got an A grade.
Fall '10 is the first time I have classes Mon-Thur. The blog procedure is the same. I create one blog a week separating each day.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Monday, September 20, 2010
Accutane Day 592

I’m happy the cyst is removed. My face looks better. One of my stitches came off three days after my surgery. I was told stitches today are biodegradable and stitches fall off when the skin is fully healed. That was a relief. I planned to make an emergency appointment after Labor Day weekend. It was unnecessary.
I went to my follow up appointment. My dermatologist gave me the laboratory report. The report said my cyst was not a cyst. There was “mild cystic dilatation. There is no evidence of malignancy.” The report further states a congenital origin and other medical terms I don’t understand. My dermatologist inspected the cheek, removed the stitches, took a final look, and said everything is good. The blood cots showing on my skin heal in six months.
My eczema appears on my face occasionally. I apply Topicort to the eczema. I apply Atralin on my nose every day and on my cheeks every other day. It appears I’m more sensitive to Atralin than I thought.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Tomorrow Is Another Day And Time Moves Forward
The Census Bureau reported Thur 14.3% of Americans in 2009 are in poverty. That’s 1 in 7 people or 43.6 million people. The 14.3% figure is the highest since 1994. I think about poor people when I go to the grocery store occasionally. I see a parents pay groceries with food stamps a few times. How can people raise children without financial support? I’m sure some families did well and now must accept assistance because of the recession. I digress.
Yesterday I looked outside my front window. There is a school across the street from my house. I saw soccer moms and dads with their children playing soccer. The family mini vans and sedans were parked on the street. There are some families unaffected by the recession.
I thought about the families in poverty while I watched the soccer families. Then I thought about life. I thought about today, the present. Time continues on. Life move forwards. Each second moves forward making tick-tick-tick sounds from my clock. Money, fame, popularity, intelligent or dumb people, and personal possessions. Time and life are nondiscriminatory. Time and life continue forward in good days and bad days. They never stop for anyone. If something happens to me good and bad, time and life continues.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Yesterday I looked outside my front window. There is a school across the street from my house. I saw soccer moms and dads with their children playing soccer. The family mini vans and sedans were parked on the street. There are some families unaffected by the recession.
I thought about the families in poverty while I watched the soccer families. Then I thought about life. I thought about today, the present. Time continues on. Life move forwards. Each second moves forward making tick-tick-tick sounds from my clock. Money, fame, popularity, intelligent or dumb people, and personal possessions. Time and life are nondiscriminatory. Time and life continue forward in good days and bad days. They never stop for anyone. If something happens to me good and bad, time and life continues.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Our Lives Our Average
I believe 98% of the world population is average. The 2% are extraordinary people include Michael Jordan, Bill Clinton, The Beatles, Kobe Bryant, Bill Gates, Meryl Streep, Martin Luther King, Jr, and Ray Croc (founder of McDonalds). The extraordinary people have an edge, a skill, trait, behavior, attribute that only the very, very few in the history of the world do. That's absolutely special.
We 98% people live average lives. Money, intelligence, wisdom, physical capabilities, physical attractiveness, metal states are irrelevant. We experience emotions, pains, successes, and failures. We have the best and brightest memorable moments. We have the worse and forgettable moments. We have strengths and flaws. That's life. That's being human.
Life your life doing your best. The best example is Charlie Brown from the Peanuts comic strip. The boy lives life one day at a time. He never gives up. He never gives up flying a kite and kicking a football from Lucy even though he fails every time. He goes the pitcher's mound and pitch, pitch, pitch even though he never won a ball game. Charlie Brown has friends who support him such as Linus and Snoopy.
We can make the best of our average lives. Live each day doing your best. Always meet new people and make new friends. Seek new adventures. Experience new experiences. Accept who you are and find ways to be a better person. Being average doesn't mean living life status quo. Add variety to your life. You want to say "Yup, I did that." So do it.
Side note: MLIA stands for My Life Is Average.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
We 98% people live average lives. Money, intelligence, wisdom, physical capabilities, physical attractiveness, metal states are irrelevant. We experience emotions, pains, successes, and failures. We have the best and brightest memorable moments. We have the worse and forgettable moments. We have strengths and flaws. That's life. That's being human.
Life your life doing your best. The best example is Charlie Brown from the Peanuts comic strip. The boy lives life one day at a time. He never gives up. He never gives up flying a kite and kicking a football from Lucy even though he fails every time. He goes the pitcher's mound and pitch, pitch, pitch even though he never won a ball game. Charlie Brown has friends who support him such as Linus and Snoopy.
We can make the best of our average lives. Live each day doing your best. Always meet new people and make new friends. Seek new adventures. Experience new experiences. Accept who you are and find ways to be a better person. Being average doesn't mean living life status quo. Add variety to your life. You want to say "Yup, I did that." So do it.
Side note: MLIA stands for My Life Is Average.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Free Your Mind
I remember a conversation days before Fanime ’10. We talked about popular anime series we agreed is popular, but the series is terrible. The conversation lasted pretty long as we named terrible popular anime series. We side tracked the conversation and talked about anime fans should share what they think about a series. It’s okay to dislike a popular anime series. We have seen anime fans jump the bandwagon and say a popular anime series is good when it really isn’t. These bandwagon anime fans usually don’t know what they’re talking about when they explain why an anime series is good.
Think freely for yourself. If you like it, you like it. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. If you agree or disagree, then share the reasons. You don’t need to be detailed and share your opinions as if you’re lecturing a class. A few sentences are acceptable.
Also, share your suggestions and ideas. For example, if you’re with a group of people who have no idea what to do for a Fri night and if you have an idea, say it. Your idea may be accepted. If it’s not accepted, you started a conversation for the group to brainstorm what to do.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Think freely for yourself. If you like it, you like it. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. If you agree or disagree, then share the reasons. You don’t need to be detailed and share your opinions as if you’re lecturing a class. A few sentences are acceptable.
Also, share your suggestions and ideas. For example, if you’re with a group of people who have no idea what to do for a Fri night and if you have an idea, say it. Your idea may be accepted. If it’s not accepted, you started a conversation for the group to brainstorm what to do.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Monday, August 30, 2010
Accutane Day 571

I have a bandage on my right cheek because I had minor surgery. The surgery removed my cyst that was on my cheek for a long, long time. Today I can’t wash my face. Tomorrow I remove the bandage and apply a new bandage with Neosporin. The surgery took 15 minutes. I have another appointment to remove the stitches.
Before surgery my dermatologist was casual explaining the side effects; for instance, infection, another cyst appearing, and scars. The probability is less than 5%. He wrote the side effects on my chart and made me sign it to consent. He was very casual as if there’s no worry at all. I also consented my cyst is sent to a laboratory. I asked him the reason. His response was the cyst proved the surgery happened and my insurance compensates him for the procedure. I questioned his response for a minute and then I stopped worrying about it.
I had another outbreak of eczema on my cheeks last Sat. I believe the reason was ice skating. I’m taking ice skating lessons and my face is sensitive to the cold conditions. I apply Topicort to the affected areas and skip Atralin.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Three To Know
Cool Down During Bedtime
Dampen a towel with cold water if you wake up early and you have trouble falling asleep. Then wipe your arms, legs, chest, and face. You’re cooling yourself down. When you wake up, you’re warm—the body is warm when awaken from REM sleep. The body heats up hotter when you go back to bed. This technique is called “kur.”
Pillow Test
Fold the pillow in half. Then put a shoe on top of the folded pillow. If the pillow springs back, the pillow is adequate to support your head and neck. (I tried this and my pillows failed. I question this test.)
Body Language
Project yourself and your body with confidence. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and speak with strength. Avoid apologetic body language and weak talking. Begging and pleading people to accept you is weak. You don’t want to be concerned whether people like you or not. Nobody has a 100% success rate impressing other people.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Dampen a towel with cold water if you wake up early and you have trouble falling asleep. Then wipe your arms, legs, chest, and face. You’re cooling yourself down. When you wake up, you’re warm—the body is warm when awaken from REM sleep. The body heats up hotter when you go back to bed. This technique is called “kur.”
Pillow Test
Fold the pillow in half. Then put a shoe on top of the folded pillow. If the pillow springs back, the pillow is adequate to support your head and neck. (I tried this and my pillows failed. I question this test.)
Body Language
Project yourself and your body with confidence. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and speak with strength. Avoid apologetic body language and weak talking. Begging and pleading people to accept you is weak. You don’t want to be concerned whether people like you or not. Nobody has a 100% success rate impressing other people.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Monday, August 16, 2010
This Joke Blog is LOL Funny
Some of us are funny and some of us aren’t funny. If you’re not funny, that’s okay. I’m not funny. Everyone is different. There are people who are funny that makes us laugh. I have friends who make me laugh. I admit sometimes I laugh too much and too hard. It’s a problem I continue to fix; however, when something said is lmao funny, it’s good to have that problem.
Another problem is saying wise jokes. There is a distinction between saying jokes and being funny. I believe you don’t have to be funny to say jokes. My definition of being funny is a person has comedian skills. I have friends who are funny. They enter a room and moments later, there is laughter in the room—lots of laughter. These funny people are natural comedians. I don’t know how they do it.
Learning how to say jokes is a key skill for meeting new people, making new friends, networking, and socializing. I agree saying jokes is not a necessity; however, you have a great advantage when you interact with people. More importantly, you must have a sense of humor.
In the coming months full of jokes and laughter: First, I continue working on controlling my laugh. Laugh softer. Laugh when the timing is proper since some jokes don’t need a laugh response. Second, I learn how to say jokes—better jokes, lol jokes. I observe other people how to say, what they say, who they say, and when they say their jokes. I create my own joke style in time. My joking skills are poor I don’t know how to end the blog with a joke.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Another problem is saying wise jokes. There is a distinction between saying jokes and being funny. I believe you don’t have to be funny to say jokes. My definition of being funny is a person has comedian skills. I have friends who are funny. They enter a room and moments later, there is laughter in the room—lots of laughter. These funny people are natural comedians. I don’t know how they do it.
Learning how to say jokes is a key skill for meeting new people, making new friends, networking, and socializing. I agree saying jokes is not a necessity; however, you have a great advantage when you interact with people. More importantly, you must have a sense of humor.
In the coming months full of jokes and laughter: First, I continue working on controlling my laugh. Laugh softer. Laugh when the timing is proper since some jokes don’t need a laugh response. Second, I learn how to say jokes—better jokes, lol jokes. I observe other people how to say, what they say, who they say, and when they say their jokes. I create my own joke style in time. My joking skills are poor I don’t know how to end the blog with a joke.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Accutane Day 551

I visited my dermatologist yesterday for a follow up. I have been applying the ointment Atralin on my cheeks, nose, and a small area directly center at the upmost part of my forehead. The dermatologist said Atralin is working and my skin is in good health.
I informed my dermatologist I have been getting eczema on my right and left temples. The last outbreak happened on July 11. I applied Topicort instead of Cutivate. Cutivate was too weak. The Topicort treated the eczema in two to three days. She said if another outbreak happens, I use Cutivate first. My face is prone to sun and wind. I wear a hat when I go outdoors.
Topicort is an ointment to keep my glands small. The ointment doesn’t cure my blackheads and whiteheads. If I want both removed, I need laser surgery which my dermatologist doesn’t recommend. There are stronger dosages. My ointment dosage is mild. There are some people who take Topicort for a long time as maintenance to keep their pores in check.
My next appointment is Mon Aug 30. My dermatologist removes the cyst on my right side of my face on the bottom side of my cheeks. I cut the cyst in the middle of July while I shaved. Blood and an oily substance oozed out.
I get small spots of dermatitis on my hand when I wash dishes without dishwashing gloves. Otherwise, since I stopped taking Accutane, I don’t get dermatitis. Topicort removes my dermatitis between two to five days. I apply Vanicream when my hands feel dry.
One final note. Today there are more treatments for acne: over-the-counter medications, infomercials, prescribed creams and drugs, and laser surgery. There was much less acne treatments in 2005. I applied an ointment and a cream daily from 2005-2009. The topicals were Tazorac and Benzoyl Peroxide. The topicals kept my acne in check; although I occasionally got acne once a month. I made the correct choice to take Accutane. Accutane worked. I take Accutane once a week in addition to applying Topicort.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Sunday, August 08, 2010
I forgot to say thank you when I posted “500” blog. Thank you to the people who read my blogs, and the numbers are very few `__^ I hope my blogs help you become a better person. There is always time to change, to improve, and to innovate. The examples include trying something new, forgiving yourself, making the tough choices, and taking risks. Life is taking action, not sitting on the couch waiting for someone to give you life on a sliver platter.
I want to mention the three lessons I learned attending De Anza. It’s good timing to review the lessons. Here are the lessons:
Fall ’09: We are all human. Everyone is human. We make mistakes and we learn from them. We’re happy, sad, depressed, cheerful, frustrated, optimistic, loved, scared, angry, forgetful, and not perfect. The emotions, the pains you feel are part of being human.
Winter ’10: Go with the flow. We have good days and bad days. Don’t fight it. There’s always tomorrow.
Spring ’10: Timing is everything. Sometimes I’m at the right place at the right time. Sometimes I’m at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes I get lots of green lights. Sometimes I get lots of red lights. It’s all timing.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
I want to mention the three lessons I learned attending De Anza. It’s good timing to review the lessons. Here are the lessons:
Fall ’09: We are all human. Everyone is human. We make mistakes and we learn from them. We’re happy, sad, depressed, cheerful, frustrated, optimistic, loved, scared, angry, forgetful, and not perfect. The emotions, the pains you feel are part of being human.
Winter ’10: Go with the flow. We have good days and bad days. Don’t fight it. There’s always tomorrow.
Spring ’10: Timing is everything. Sometimes I’m at the right place at the right time. Sometimes I’m at the wrong place at the wrong time. Sometimes I get lots of green lights. Sometimes I get lots of red lights. It’s all timing.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
Friday, August 06, 2010
Number 500! This blog is number 500 and the 5th anniversary for Innovating Common Knowledge. Good timing. I average 100 blogs every twelve months. That’s too low. On the other hand, 100 is a good number because I spread my time writing blogs and many other activities. There are both sides to the discussion whether I spend too much or too little time writing blogs.
On my 300th blog, I shared my top 30 blogs. I choose to repost the top 30 blogs instead of creating a top 50 blogs. The reason is the lessons I learned and the wisdom I gained from my top 30 blogs applies to today’s living--and tomorrow’s living. They are powerful for me. The lessons and wisdoms are both old lessons such as life is a marathon, not a sprit and new lessons such as age is just a number. The timing is good for another review.
I continue to write blogs promoting change, improvement, and innovation. I continue to write blogs to open myself up and to experiment what I can and what I can’t do. The Sign Of My Times (SOMT) and Accutane blogs continue as I reflect how life is changed now and when I was a child and my acne treatment, respectively.
Here is the summary of my top 30 blogs:
*01. Never take anything and anyone for granted.
*02. Trust my gut feeling.
*03. My [latest] daily top five rules for living: (1) Don't criticize, condemn, and complain, and don't compare with others. (2) Don't act like a jerk or bitch. (3) Always speak calmly and be calm. (4) Don't daydream when driving. (5) Keep your head up high . . . look at the cute face when talking.
*04. Continue to live life finding what you want to do.
*05. Never judge a person by their appearance.
*06. Remember to learn from you failures as well as your successes.
*07. It takes patience to learn who a person is for long-term family, friend, business, and romantic relationships.
*08. Do something else to take your mind off something you hate.
*09. Meet new people and make new friends continuously.
*10. It's OK to be alone.
*11. You must earn what you want in life.
*12. You are responsible for yourself.
*13. Schools have summer vacations; life doesn't have summer vacations.
*14. Age is just a number.
*15. Have courage to say goodbye to anything precious.
*16. First years, first impressions, first go-around, and first successes are equally important as second years, second impressions, second go-around, and second successes.
*17. Everyone has the right to find happiness.
*18. Be patient. Never rush.
*19. Take life one day at a time. Have fun, learn, and enjoy.
*20. If you talk the talk, you must stand by your talk.
*21. Do something to receive something.
*22. Money is a way to help people, create action, and show appreciation.
*23. Fight the pain, the suffering, and the struggles to keep living.
*24. Use your mind to see.
*25. Time is the ultimate judge.
*26. Live the present. Live the moment.
*27. Wait 24 hours for goods or services less than $100 and 48 hours for greater than $100 to avoid the urge to splurge.
*28. Do the little things and they add up in time.
*29. Life is a marathon, not a sprint.
*30. When you in a jam, go back to the basics. Go remind yourself the basics which is what I'm doing :D :D :D
My first blog was posted on Thur Aug 4, 2005. The 300th blog was posted on Sun Dec 7, 2008. Click to read the entire 300th blog detailing the top blogs.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
On my 300th blog, I shared my top 30 blogs. I choose to repost the top 30 blogs instead of creating a top 50 blogs. The reason is the lessons I learned and the wisdom I gained from my top 30 blogs applies to today’s living--and tomorrow’s living. They are powerful for me. The lessons and wisdoms are both old lessons such as life is a marathon, not a sprit and new lessons such as age is just a number. The timing is good for another review.
I continue to write blogs promoting change, improvement, and innovation. I continue to write blogs to open myself up and to experiment what I can and what I can’t do. The Sign Of My Times (SOMT) and Accutane blogs continue as I reflect how life is changed now and when I was a child and my acne treatment, respectively.
Here is the summary of my top 30 blogs:
*01. Never take anything and anyone for granted.
*02. Trust my gut feeling.
*03. My [latest] daily top five rules for living: (1) Don't criticize, condemn, and complain, and don't compare with others. (2) Don't act like a jerk or bitch. (3) Always speak calmly and be calm. (4) Don't daydream when driving. (5) Keep your head up high . . . look at the cute face when talking.
*04. Continue to live life finding what you want to do.
*05. Never judge a person by their appearance.
*06. Remember to learn from you failures as well as your successes.
*07. It takes patience to learn who a person is for long-term family, friend, business, and romantic relationships.
*08. Do something else to take your mind off something you hate.
*09. Meet new people and make new friends continuously.
*10. It's OK to be alone.
*11. You must earn what you want in life.
*12. You are responsible for yourself.
*13. Schools have summer vacations; life doesn't have summer vacations.
*14. Age is just a number.
*15. Have courage to say goodbye to anything precious.
*16. First years, first impressions, first go-around, and first successes are equally important as second years, second impressions, second go-around, and second successes.
*17. Everyone has the right to find happiness.
*18. Be patient. Never rush.
*19. Take life one day at a time. Have fun, learn, and enjoy.
*20. If you talk the talk, you must stand by your talk.
*21. Do something to receive something.
*22. Money is a way to help people, create action, and show appreciation.
*23. Fight the pain, the suffering, and the struggles to keep living.
*24. Use your mind to see.
*25. Time is the ultimate judge.
*26. Live the present. Live the moment.
*27. Wait 24 hours for goods or services less than $100 and 48 hours for greater than $100 to avoid the urge to splurge.
*28. Do the little things and they add up in time.
*29. Life is a marathon, not a sprint.
*30. When you in a jam, go back to the basics. Go remind yourself the basics which is what I'm doing :D :D :D
My first blog was posted on Thur Aug 4, 2005. The 300th blog was posted on Sun Dec 7, 2008. Click to read the entire 300th blog detailing the top blogs.
The Personal Side Of Me Finding Raymond Mar
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